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  1. T

    Builtin Sd-Card Teensy 4.1 - SD.begin() errors

    I did some more testing with many different cards now and my last provided code snippet seems to work fine. It is very rare that a card will not respond to CMD6 after re-inserting, but it happened. The re-try mechanism always successfully made the card respond. I also tested what would happen if...
  2. T

    How to add a Teensyduino (beta) release to PlatformIO

    That is very kind, thank you! But as this is a commercial project, i can not give out the code. And as i said, it does compile. I will post an update here as soon as i find the cause for my error messages.
  3. T

    How to add a Teensyduino (beta) release to PlatformIO

    Yes they have both .json and .properties files. I checked with the git repos and I am using the latest WDT_T4 (v0.1) and almost the latest teensy4_i2c (v2.0.0-beta.1) without any changes so far.
  4. T

    How to add a Teensyduino (beta) release to PlatformIO

    Using toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi-teensy@ did not change anything. And thank you for the hints! I did not know the "#" option. But in general, i only work with local copies of libs as this is production code. I do have the WDT_T4 and teensy4_i2c libraries as local copies in my /lib directory, but...
  5. T

    Teensy 4.1 stack size of 13k enough?

    I just wanted to add: When you get close to the RAM1 limit, i experienced that some SD card functions might not work any more as expected. I had fatal crashes when calling SD.exist() and with write enabled. For the latter one, i dug deeper and found out that FatFile:: openCachedEntry()...
  6. T

    How to add a Teensyduino (beta) release to PlatformIO

    I successfully added Beta 0.59.3 to PIO. The build succeeds, but i get a red lined error message: /Users/me/.platformio/packages/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi_0_59_3/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/11.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld...
  7. T

    Builtin Sd-Card Teensy 4.1 - SD.begin() errors

    Cool, I am glad my code made it into the library :-) In the meantime... I got a bunch of brand new 4GB Intenso SD cards and turns out they would sometimes return false (due to timeout) for cardCMD6() after they are re-inserted into the SD card slot while the Teensy program is running. This only...
  8. T

    Builtin Sd-Card Teensy 4.1 - SD.begin() errors

    I stumbled across this problem again and found the solution! In the file SdioTeensy.cpp, there is a section in the function bool SdioCard::begin(SdioConfig sdioConfig) // Determine if High Speed mode is supported and set frequency. // Check status[16] for error 0XF or status[16] for...
  9. T

    Audio with async subprocess filling a delay line buffer

    Thank you for the tip. I ended up setting a flag once new data is requested by the Audio update() and using the loop() to check the flag and process the data if necessary. I have also some non-audio stuff going on (reading potentiometers, encoders, LEDs, etc) which i process in an...
  10. T

    Audio with async subprocess filling a delay line buffer

    Hi @ all, i am writing an audio algorithm which outputs a buffer of length 768 = 6*128 audio samples at once. Due to the nature of the algorithm, it is not possible to only calculate 128 samples, it must be 768 or another multiple of 128. Anyways, just like every other audio object, the update...
  11. T

    Builtin Sd-Card Teensy 4.1 - SD.begin() errors

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Will dig deeper into SD CMDs! By now i made some improvements by following these basic rules: - call SD.begin only once in the whole project, in setup(). - if SD.begin fails the first time, try again max three more times - if we succeed at one...
  12. T

    Builtin Sd-Card Teensy 4.1 - SD.begin() errors

    I have developed a device that uses Teensy 4.1 and enables the user to read and write data onto the internal SD card. There are some cases where SD.begin() returns false. I just finished the first 30 units and use the same type of FAT32-formatted SD-cards in all of them (Intenso microSDHC...
  13. T

    Cannot get Lockable Teensy 4 to pass tests and lock

    Thank you both for your quick response! In the meantime, it turned out that something with my existing PlatformIO installation collided: PlatformIO also opens an instance of TeensyLoader for programming, and for some reason the version of that TeensyLoader was 1.55 instead of 1.56 which i did...
  14. T

    Cannot get Lockable Teensy 4 to pass tests and lock

    I am getting this response using Teensyduino 1.56 and Teensy loader 1.56 on a Teensy 4.1: Writing public key hash Okay: public key hash is good :-) Decryption key was previously written & locked, so it can not be directly verified, but the following test will confirm whether decryption works...
  15. T

    ADC library, with support for Teensy 4, 3.x, and LC

    Thank you so much for your input! I got the chain to work without DMA. The key was to set the CHAIN_X_Y registers correctly. Therefore i made a modified version of the library function "startQuadTimer": void ADC_Module::startQuadTimer(uint32_t freq) { // Update the ADC uint8_t...
  16. T

    ADC library, with support for Teensy 4, 3.x, and LC

    Okay, i am getting closer after digging into chapter 67. What i tried to do: Based on the example "adc_timer_dma" i try to make the (Quad-)Timer trigger the ADC conversion of ADC1 and ADC2. ADC0 is set up as the library does with only one Pin (= chain length 1) with Teensy Pin 14 = ADC0_NR 7...
  17. T

    ADC library, with support for Teensy 4, 3.x, and LC

    Thank you, sounds good! Will give it a try.
  18. T

    ADC library, with support for Teensy 4, 3.x, and LC

    I succeeded in setting up the ADC + DMA library example on a Teensy 4.1 for continuous conversion of a single pin. Is it possible to extend that to multiple pins? I come from ST microcontrollers and there it is pretty common to have an adc buffer with length = number of pins to measure and let...