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  1. M

    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    @Srx only the syntax may look ugly at first, especially if you come from C# background where you use Generics. In C++ there are benefits in using Templates because they are generating the code (e.g. instantiating a template) with the parameters (type and values) you exactly wanted, allowing...
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    FlexCAN_T4 - FlexCAN for Teensy 4

    @jmlima44 you should at least call; at every loop and some other settings maybe missing. I'd suggest to first start from using the existing samples and ensure you are able to run them on your hardware: e.g.
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    NRF8001 And the Teensy 4.0 Not Working. Problems with PROGMEM and EIMSK

    nRF8001 BLE works fine with Teensy 4.0 with this fork:
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    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    Thanks a lot, that helped understanding how the OctoWS2811 could be used with APA102 strips. I've been able to use a single APA102 strip with an OctoWS2811 adaptor, with the PropShield and with the SmartMatrix v5. Now I'd like to use the SPI1 and SPI2 (the hw SPI ports) of Teensy 4 to drive...
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    Teensy APA102 POV Poi / Pixel Poi Build. Tutorial

    any more detail on how the Teensy 4.0 with an OctoWS2811 adaptor could be used to drive four APA102 strips? That would be an advantage over the PropShield which is able to drive a single APA102 strip. Thank you,
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    ECU simulator over CANBUS with a Teensy

    Is there any existing sample of using a Teensy as part of an ECU simulator? I found complete cards I can buy for a price, but i'd like to try something i could assemble myself without requiring any "shield" or expensive board. I'd like to put together the parts on a breadboard as that should be...
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    OctoWS2811 Adaptor: documentation clarification

    Sorted out what the problem is: the TouchScreen.h library I am using is leveraging pin 7 and 8 too (as OctoWS2811 does too!). As soon as i removed this pin conflict, i am able to drive 4 led strips with OctoWS2811 :) This is the reason why the strips connected to signals #1(pin 2) and #2(pin 14)...
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    OctoWS2811 Adaptor: documentation clarification

    Thanks a lot for the answer! With your information i think I determined that the problem is a signal problem, because: 1) i have 4 (four) led strips with 80 leds each; the strips are bought from Gree-Leds: ; each strip is connected...
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    OctoWS2811 Adaptor: documentation clarification

    Hello, I am using Teensy 3.2 and the OctoWS2811 Adaptor board, and I am hitting the usual powersupply/ground problems of any hardware newbie like me will hit with any great than 320 leds strips. I still need to understand exactly what is the meaning of what the documentation of the WS2811...
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    [ws2811 led strip] where to attach DI/GND/+5V to the strip?

    Thanks a lot for the detailed answer!
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    [ws2811 led strip] where to attach DI/GND/+5V to the strip?

    Hello, I am using Teensy 3.2 with a WS2811 led strip (RGB led addressable), using the awesome OctoWS2811 library. I am just wondering about what happened to me recently: I soldered the DI/GND/5Volt signals to the strip in the middle, and it did not work at all (not a single led switched on). I...
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    Teensyduino 1.27 Beta #1 Available

    Hello Paul, On Macosx 10.11.2 i cannot install teensyduino for 1.6.7 beta, as i get the following during installation: Checking Arduino 1.6.7: version: "Contents/Java/lib/version.txt" version matches file: "Contents/MacOS/Arduino" present file: "Contents/Info.plist" present...
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    separating VIN from VUSB for the OctoWS2811 library

    Hello, I just bought a fantastic Teensy 3.0 and I am playing along with IMUs and it works perfectly, thanks! Besides IMUs, i am playing with Teensy and addressable RGB LED strips, as I have 10 meters of the following leds: If my...