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  1. R

    Building a handheld computer out of multiple teensy boards.

    I totally forgot about this post and was reminded of it when talking to a friend today about where I ended up with this. He told me to update this thread. I figured I shouldn't since it's ending is more about a pico than a teensy, but he persisted and claimed "there is no information like this...
  2. R

    Future Teensy features & pinout

    If I'm honest, I only want to abuse the GPU. A far away friend has a robot with NXP chips which have a GPU (RT595, might be wrong). He offloads his limb movement planning when there is high obstacle density (hard planning problem). His robot can "sense" attacks and dodge automatically. I am...
  3. R

    Future Teensy features & pinout

    I'd personally like the future Teensy to use the 1176 which has the 2nd CPU and 2D GPU with Vector Acceleration and OpenVG capabilities. (i.MX RT1172 has only the 2D GPU. i.MX RT1173 has both the 2nd CPU and 2D GPU, but is Industrial only. i.MX RT1176 has both the 2nd CPU and 2D GPU.) Big wish...
  4. R

    Building a handheld computer out of multiple teensy boards.

    The backstory. I've been wanting to build a portable terminal in the formfactor of something like a Blackberry Q10 for some time now. Originally, I only wanted to build a terminal like device that would allow me to quickly and directly program a bipedal robot that I'm working on. It would...
  5. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Loader tool crashed while uploading and COM no longer works.

    Thanks for that information, I'll be sure to remember that. Sometimes during the bootloader cycles with the loader crashed teensy it would just sit with the solid Red led on for a very very long time, were talking over ten minuets on several different attempts and one time I let it sit for over...
  6. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Loader tool crashed while uploading and COM no longer works.

    Okay so I just kept trying to clear the uploaded sketch from the bootloader and finally the one that had the crash was able to upload a new sketch. I used the FastLED Blink example from the File->Examples menu. This gave me back com port on the teensy that had the loader crash. Basically what I...
  7. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Loader tool crashed while uploading and COM no longer works.

    !!! I was able to fix the ones which didn't have the crash happen. I did that by holding the button for ~15 seconds when powered on, this apparently defaults back to the blink demo with the Orange LED. After the orange LED was blinking, I uploaded an example sketch. That gave back COM port to my...
  8. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Loader tool crashed while uploading and COM no longer works.

    I was reading on this page about the Diagnostic Blink Codes. When the (error crashed) 4.1 teensy is powered on, it doesn't blink at all. If connected to a pc, it doesn't detect. Though if you press the programming button, it will be detected by...
  9. R

    Teensy 4.1 - Loader tool crashed while uploading and COM no longer works.

    I was uploading a blank sketch to one of my 4.1 teensy's using most recent Windows 10, with Arduino 1.8.15, not sure Teensyduino version number but the installer was signed on Dec, 22, 2021 and Teensy Loader says it's version 1.56. //Blank Sketch void setup() { } void loop() { } While the...