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  1. A

    changing pitch of audio samples - TeensyVariablePlayback library

    This is awesome, exactly what I need. My project is almost ready. I only have a small issue. The sound I am playing in a loop is clipping a little, is that normal? Not happening before I started to use the library (I was using the granular effect). What are the best practices to avoid clipping...
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    Connecting Teensy 4.0 + Teensy Audio Shield with Adafruit Class D Amplifier

    Thank you so much. I have been reading a lot about all this. So I made representation of what I understand and I would like to know if this is correct: Let me know if I am missing something. Specially in the powering part, I don't quiet understang how should I power the Teensy boards, I guess...
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    Connecting Teensy 4.0 + Teensy Audio Shield with Adafruit Class D Amplifier

    Hello guys! I am totally new on this topic, never used arduino or teensy or anything like that before, and I know only the basics of electronics (I know programming, that part shouldn't be that hard), but I need to make this project! Please help me. Today I got the Teensy 4.0, the Teensy Audio...