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  1. VoltVisionFrenchy

    Playing RAW/WAV from SD Card via I2S

    Frank, I just received my new T3.5 and T3.6 and I am ready to start diving into I2S audio for the first time. I have the same Adafruit MAX98357A breakout sitting here that I would like to try. 1) Do you think my Picoscope2203 (analog bandwidth = 5MHz max) is up to the task of I2S debugging...
  2. VoltVisionFrenchy

    DmxSimple, please help test new version

    DMX as ordinary serial on Teensy-LC and Teensy3.0 also? Paul, Below you mentioned "Teensy 3.1's hardware serial is also plenty fast enough to send DMX as ordinary serial."...does the same thing apply to Teensy-LC? ...and Teensy3.0? I assume yes since they are all 32 bit Kinetis, but thought I...
  3. VoltVisionFrenchy

    raspberry pi model 2 (quad-core)

    Paul, I just ran across your below message about looking for a brave rPi enthusiast to test your build of ArduinoIDE/Teensyduino. I came here looking for a way to have an rPi or BBB dynamically load different sketches into a USB connected Teensy3.1. I guess there are two discrete parts to...
  4. VoltVisionFrenchy

    OctoWS2811 Library -- One strip with ledsPerStrip = 300??

    Hello! I am working on an application with a local high school art class where we are using 1reel of WS2811 @ 60pixels/m = 300pixels to light up a sculpture. We are using a Teensy3. I have the power supply and wiring all figured out, but on the software side of things is it possible to...
  5. VoltVisionFrenchy

    Does anybody get Teensy 3 working with NRF24L01+?

    Matheus, Thank you for your reply! I will check your modified RF24 library again on Monday. Can you tell me, did you comment out all of the diagnostic printf statements or did you change them to use some other serial print method which Teensy3 understands? Thanks! -frenchy
  6. VoltVisionFrenchy

    fdevopen was not declare in this scope

    Damiano, I have EXACTLY the same question as you. This also happened to me last night. Some others have gotten around this by commenting out all of the "printf" related statements, but that is a very sad solution because those "printf" statements tell you very important diagnostic information...
  7. VoltVisionFrenchy

    Does anybody get Teensy 3 working with NRF24L01+?

    Stevech, Thanks for the answer and the question! Honestly I was not looking for the Zigbee protocols nor 802.15.4 at the time of my inquiry... Stage1 = I was just thinking about a low latency way to wirelessly send sensor info from Teensy3/RF to RaspberryPi/RF. An immediate application that I...
  8. VoltVisionFrenchy

    Does anybody get Teensy 3 working with NRF24L01+?

    [bump] Hello! Is anyone still interested in these NRF24L01+ modules with the Teensy3? The pricing of these is very, very intriguing and people seem to love them from a technical standpoint because of their ease of use and special features. The most interesting (and recently updated) software...
  9. VoltVisionFrenchy

    DmxSimple, please help test new version

    Paul, Thanks for the responses! I just posted a video of the above test results and put it on my blog here.... Also, to answer your questions... Paul said: I am not...
  10. VoltVisionFrenchy

    DmxSimple, please help test new version

    Paul, I just tested the above new DmxSimple library with our new DMX/RDM Breakoutboard/Shield and the Teensy2. It works!! I will post a video to this thread in the morning showing it in action with a test RGB wash light. Here are some questions and then some observations about my journey...
  11. VoltVisionFrenchy

    Teensy 2.0 RDM Project

    Hello Paul! The Enttec DMX USB Pro protocol spec is here... Regarding your 2nd question about "will this end up being used only on non-PJRC Leonardo boards?" My original vision has been to post on our DMX/RDM Shield product page... 1) Here is...
  12. VoltVisionFrenchy

    DMXSerial2 on Teensy

    Indi, I notice that you are working on an RDM responder (slave) project. We are too! We made some hardware (Arduino R3 Shield) which can act as RDM/DMX master or slave. Not sure if you need help on the hardware side of things, but you can easily hook this shield up to the Teensy2 or Teensy3...
  13. VoltVisionFrenchy

    Multiple virtual MIDI ports over USB with Teensy 2.0? (Or 3.0?)

    Hello! This thread is very interesting to me. The original poster mentioned that he is using a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) which supports 3 different protocols over MIDI which require separate endpoints for each protocol. I see an additional significant benefit.... the ability to talk...