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  1. C

    Teensy 3.0 stopped working after 2 weeks

    I have experienced similar issues, but do not have a MOSFET -- or anything else for that matter -- connected to the Teensy. I've been teaching robotics at the high school level for 12 years, but this is the first year we've used the Teensy. In my lab we have 34 Teensy 3.0 controllers, each...
  2. C

    Double-check my Teensy 3 current valuies

    I teach programming and robotics to high school students with very little electronics background. (Read: if they can destroy a board they will.) They are about to start controlling simple, low-current devices (LEDs, relays, piezo buzzers, etc) with the Teensy 3.0 and I want to make sure I have...
  3. C

    Teensyduino for Arduino 1.5.2?

    That's what I figured. Just wanting to cross "user error" off my debug list. Thanks.
  4. C

    Teensyduino for Arduino 1.5.2?

    I assume the reason that I am unable to install Teensyduino 1.15 on top of the beta Arduino version 1.5.2 is because this version is not yet supported. (At least it says so in the splash screen.) Will one be available soon? Arduino 1.5.2 is required to run my Due board, which I'm trying to...
  5. C

    Range finders with 3.3V Teensy 3.0

    In my classroom I'm thinking about switching from a 5V system (Teensy2 and Arduino Uno) to the Teensy3's 3.3V system. Most components migrate over fairly well, but the Sharp IR range finders (GP2D12, 2YOA21, and 2YOA02) have a greatly reduced range and a loss of precision. Is there any way to...
  6. C

    Float to Sting help

    Thanks Paul and Pete. dtostrf now works on the Teensy3. I wish sprintf worked on the Teensy2.
  7. C

    Float to Sting help

    So after a bit more experimentation, I find that sprintf works fine on my Teensy3, but not on my Teensy2 or on my Arduino Uno. Is this to be expected? I'm not sure I understand what's going on under the hood. I need code that works with all these boards; am I relegated to working only with...
  8. C

    Float to Sting help

    el_supremo, your name says it all. Thanks for your help, Pete. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong....
  9. C

    Float to Sting help

    "Float to stRing" help, that is.
  10. C

    Float to Sting help

    I have switched from a Teensy2 to a Teensy3 and now much of my code won't work. I've worked around most of the issues (using "while(!Serial){}", for example, after baud rate is established) but I am stuck on converting floats to strings for simple string concatenation. I was using dtostrf, but...
  11. C

    Teensy boards don't load with Arduino IDE when associated .ino file is double-clicked

    Good call, Paul, but something is still screwy. The associated files were opening up an earlier Arduino version. However I had to delete the Arduino application folder from the system registry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\arduino.exe, and then in Windows use "Open with..." to associate...
  12. C

    Teensy boards don't load with Arduino IDE when associated .ino file is double-clicked

    Even though I checked "Automatically associate .ino files with Arduino" under File >> Preferences of the Arduino IDE menu, when I double-click on my .ino files the IDE opens, I am unable to upload my sketches because the Teensy boards are not loaded. That is clicking Tools >> Board from the...