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  1. J

    ADC->adc_timer_dma with Adafruit SSD1306 128x32 I2C

    I want to apologize and close the loop on this one. I must have previewed my response months ago but forgot to hit the "post" button. Anyway, your detective work @h4yn0nnym0u5e was spot on. I thought I had combined the two sample programs without removing any non-overlapping code (overlapping...
  2. J

    ADC->adc_timer_dma with Adafruit SSD1306 128x32 I2C

    Hello @jmarsh, Thank you for helping me with this. I think I found the file and referenced it specifically. However, it didn't appear to produce anything of value: C:\Users\jeffs\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_571724>"C:\Program Files...
  3. J

    ADC->adc_timer_dma with Adafruit SSD1306 128x32 I2C

    Hello @kd5rxt-mark, Thank you for helping me with this. I turned this setting on, but it didn't produce anything obvious to me. Here is the new feedback at Serial Monitor: CrashReport: A problem occurred at (system time) 8:48:27 Code was executing from address 0x56B6 CFSR: 82...
  4. J

    ADC->adc_timer_dma with Adafruit SSD1306 128x32 I2C

    So, I did some digging to figure out how to run "addr2line -e mysketch.ino.elf 0x57B2" as I didn't know a .elf file existed for my application. However, I eventually brought Teensyduino to the foreground, click on "File" and "Open HEX File" which showed me where the HEX file was located...
  5. J

    ADC->adc_timer_dma with Adafruit SSD1306 128x32 I2C

    Wow! Didn't know you could do that. Here is what it reported: CrashReport: A problem occurred at (system time) 19:1:28 Code was executing from address 0x57B2 CFSR: 82 (DACCVIOL) Data Access Violation (MMARVALID) Accessed Address: 0x0 (nullptr) Check code at 0x57B2 - very...
  6. J

    ADC->adc_timer_dma with Adafruit SSD1306 128x32 I2C

    Hey All, Individually, these example programs work as expected on a Teensy 4.1 (analog readings are taken and reported to serial monitor / OLED goes through its demonstration). When I combine these two example programs into one (I stripped down the SSD128x32 one to only show some text - not all...
  7. J

    MicroSD card detection Teensy 4.1 - SOLVED

    As a follow up, what @KurtE suggested does work perfectly for me. Remember to re-initialize the card after it's been re-inserted. if (!SD.mediaPresent) { while (!SD.begin(BUILTIN_SDCARD)) { Serial.println("SD is not present or not initialilzed."); delay(1000); } // end...
  8. J

    MicroSD card detection Teensy 4.1 - SOLVED

    That's awesome @KurtE, thank you. But can you please help clarify. I'm wanting this because someone may remove the card while the Teensy is running. I'm coding processes that read/write to the card to stop at that point. Upon reinsertion, I think I need to code the SD card to be reinitialized...
  9. J

    MicroSD card detection Teensy 4.1 - SOLVED

    Forgive my shaky camera hands and poor lighting but here is what I found from poking around: What I'm calling Pin 9 is on the far right and lines up with the mechanical lever that moves when the MicroSD card is inserted. Using my DMM, that lever (Pin 9?) has continuity with the housing...
  10. J

    MicroSD card detection Teensy 4.1 - SOLVED

    Such a shame. Looking up into the end of the card holder slot, pin 9 (card detection) appears to be there (in this image below it's missing - like it was intentionally removed). Again, in mine it's there but, unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be tied to any of the adjacent pinholes (pinhole...