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    PS2Keyboard library error

    I tested PS2KeyboardAdvanced, sketch simpletest, not work too. any idea ?
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    PS2Keyboard library error

    I found the problem, it was the characther ¤, i replaced it by 0, and the sketch compil, but sketch simple_test not work, nothing appear on terminal (teraterm windows) when i type on keyboard. i use +5v, gnd, data and clock pin 18 and pin 19 from ATmega1284p, all pin have INT.
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    PS2Keyboard library error

    Hi, on arduino 2.3.3, i have installed library PS2Keyboard, when i compil the sketch simple test, i have this error on PS2Keboard.cpp. My mcu is ATmega1284p. I use pin 18 and pin 19. d:\donnees\dev\ARDUINO2\sketch\libraries\PS2Keyboard\PS2Keyboard.cpp:265:53: warning: multi-character character...
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    AltSoftSerial and SERIAL_7E1

    Hi, I have arduino MEGA, i want to use library AltSoftSerial, but parameter SERIAL_7E1 is not recognized. I use library version 1.4. How do i do ? Thanks in advance.
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    Teensy 4.1 compatibility pin with teensy 3.6

    Thank you for your answer and your clarification.
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    Teensy 4.1 compatibility pin with teensy 3.6

    Hi, I wanted to know if teensy 4.1 was compatible with teensy 3.6 at the pin level. Can I replace the teensy 3.6 with a teensy 4.1 while continuing to use my programs without changing the hardware pins for the spinnaker for example my tft lcd, serial ... Thanks for your help.
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    Teensy USB Serial not recognized on device manager

    thank you. right-clicking in the Device Manager and uninstalling the device and resinstall driver, all work now. i can now see Teensy USB Serial on device manager, and in arduino i can see (COM14 Serial (Teensy 3.6) waiting to install windows 10 later because i have many application development...
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    Teensy USB Serial not recognized on device manager

    pressing button and upload a sketch it work. I tested by disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable it is still not recognized in the device manager, I tested on another PC with Windows 10, I installed arduino 1.8.12 and Teenysuini install 1.51, it works fine, the serial port is well...
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    Teensy USB Serial not recognized on device manager

    yes it was installed with teensyduino installer, i have too downloaded serial driver from your link and nothing.
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    Teensy USB Serial not recognized on device manager

    a simple program blink from teensy 3.6 example not work, i need to push program button, but on device manager is always yellow triangle.
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    Teensy USB Serial not recognized on device manager

    yes i have used the same cable on i have tested with other usb cable. windows version is win 7 x64. when i press the program button it work i can upload sketch but i can't see in device manager Teensy USB Serial, i can't use serial monitor. I loaded a simple program on it. my config for arduino...
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    Teensy USB Serial not recognized on device manager

    i have installed arduino 1.8.12 and teensyduino 1.51 is a same, i can't see por COM14 on menu Tools/Ports but pressing program button it work. why now we are forced to press the program button to download a sketch when before for years we were not obliged and I saw the com port in the tools /...
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    Teensy USB Serial not recognized on device manager

    hello, Teensy USB Serial is not recognized in the device manager, I have a yellow triangle. I tried to plug the USB cable into three different USB ports and I have the same problem, I use arduino 1.8.10 and teensyloader 1.49, Teensy 3.6 it has always worked before. are there any drivers...
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    Another Teensy 4.0 Breakout Board

    Hi, does a breakout board already assembled exist ? where can i puchase one ? thanks in advance.
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    [Teensy 3.6] Max size memory

    Problem resolved using RX1\TX1 at 9600 bauds all work fine, i can receive image from http and display it to FT813. what exactly is Serial5 used for if it does not work, I guess it's just to recover some data or to send some commands. the data must be short ? thanks for MichaelMessner and to KurtE.
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    [Teensy 3.6] Max size memory

    Yes BUFFER_SIZE is modified accordingly. I use memcpy because I get binary data, if the character is <32 for example 0 or 2, are not ascii code, suddenly the character string is cut as soon as I receive a 0. I will try RX1, for instance i use 9600 bauds, i can write more 64k, for text file and...
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    [Teensy 3.6] Max size memory

    you are right, the AT firmware pushes the response data without control i read data fast to 115200, lose some bytes and time out. I will try to change the baud to 9600 or use the control flow RTS / CTS thanks for your help.
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    [Teensy 3.6] Max size memory

    may be the problem is for WiFiEsp library m_client is variable WiFiEspClient m_client; and come to WiFiEsp library, may be, esp-01 can not deliver more than 64k.
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    [Teensy 3.6] Max size memory

    i use teensy 3.6 with esp8266-01 with library WiFiEsp and FT813 newhavendisplay , i connect esp-01 to an url with image and i save the image on the sd card, this work well with image less than 64k. the code for receive data on buffer is : long CHTTP::ReceiveData() { m_nRcvBufLen = 0...
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    [Teensy 3.6] Max size memory

    thank you for your answer, it is especially the buffer port serial5 which poses me problem because I use a esp-01 to recover an image via http, when the image is greater than 64k the program no longer works, so we are limited to 64k, I change the value of the receive buffer to 64000 on file...
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    [Teensy 3.6] Max size memory

    Hi, I would like to know what is the maximum memory size for: - RAM - HEAP and the maximum size for the receive buffer for Serial5 Thank you for your help.
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    [teensy 3.6] using string.erase or string.insert generate basic_string error

    I replaced std: string by String now everything works but I think there is a g++ version problem with c++ 11 parameters CFLAGS in the teensy 3.6 compilation settings at the boards.txt file
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    [teensy 3.6] using string.erase or string.insert generate basic_string error

    I can replace std :: string by String but I wanted to know why std :: string does not work, someone can do a test on two lines of code to know if it works.
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    [teensy 3.6] using string.erase or string.insert generate basic_string error

    may be missing a header include ? d:\program files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\arm\arm-none-eabi\include\c++\5.4.1\bits/basic_string.h:1243: undefined reference to `std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_replace(unsigned int, unsigned int, char...
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    [teensy 3.6] using string.erase or string.insert generate basic_string error

    yes is declared before use int m_iRemoteSrvPort; int m_nHTTPLastStatusCode; std::string m_sProtocolVersion; long m_nRcvBufLen; i don't untersdand because the code below work //Setting url void CHTTP::SetUrl(const char* url) { m_sUrl = url; } m_sUrl is defined as...
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    [teensy 3.6] using string.erase or string.insert generate basic_string error

    this variation not work //Set protocol version void CHTTP::SetProtocolVersion(CSockProtocol protocol) { switch (protocol) { case HTTP10: ::m_sProtocolVersion = "HTTP/1.0"; break; case HTTP11: ::m_sProtocolVersion = "HTTP/1.1"; break...
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    [teensy 3.6] using string.erase or string.insert generate basic_string error

    hi, using this code below i have errors compilation #include <string> ... void CHTTP::SetProtocolVersion(CSockProtocol protocol) { switch (protocol) { case HTTP10: m_sProtocolVersion.erase(); m_sProtocolVersion.insert(0, "HTTP/1.0"); break; case HTTP11...
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    Serial5 not work with ESP8266-01

    Problem resolved using shield for ESP8266-01. and connect TX from teensy to TX to shield and RX from teensy to RX to shield.
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    Serial5 not work with ESP8266-01

    The Serial5 (TX5 pin 33 and RX5 pin34) not work with module ESP8266-01. connexion from module ESP8266-01 is: ESP Teensy 3.6 vcc vcc gnd gnd TX RX RX TX the code below not work void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial5.begin(115200); } void loop() { /*...
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    Teensy 3.6 + PAM8403 amplifier 3W audio

    Hi, I need to use a module PAM8403 which is an audio amplifier but it must be powered in 5v, is it the pin of this module is compatible with teensy 3.6 which are a 3.3v? thanks in advance.
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    [Teensy 3.6] EVE2 FT813 gpio sound

    hi, i have the TFT 800x480 EVE FT813 capacitive touchscreen, i want to use sound pin gpio that is on board TFT, how do i do connect this pin ? this is a gpio is pwm output. do i need breakout board audio amplifier ? do i need connect only pin gpio form EVE2 TFT to a pin pwm to teensy 3.6 ...
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    teensy 3.6 and library encoder not work

    it work now, a pin was inverted it's for that, thank you
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    teensy 3.6 and library encoder not work

    the problem is that it works but only in one direction, why it work only in one direction ?
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    teensy 3.6 and library encoder not work

    i have modified the code below to >> 2 now the value is incrementd to 1, but cannot decrement when i turn the encoder
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    teensy 3.6 and library encoder not work

    hi, i am testing Encoder library but not work. when i turn encoder to left i have 0 4 8 12 16 ... when i turn encoder to right i have always the last value. encoder work fine on mbed (STM32F767ZI) when an library encoder from mbed i have 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... and 4 3 2 1 0 the code: #include...
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    I found the problem, is not possible to use tft.print with graphics mode, for print text i use the code below and it work. void printLabel(Adafruit_RA8875 *gfx, int16_t x1, int16_t y1, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t fillColor, uint16_t textcolor, char *label, uint8_t textsize) {...
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    Hi, i have RA8875, 5" tft resistive touchscreen for adafruit. the code below don't show label on buttons. ... /* create 15 buttons, in classic candybar phone style */ char buttonlabels[15][5] = {"Send", "Clr", "End", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "0", "#" }; uint16_t...
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    RA8875 not found !

    i have found the problem, all work now without modification code. all example from Adafruit_RA8875 work well including readdata and touch screen. it's because the wire was tool long (20cm) i have put wire 10cm and now all work. I did not think that the length of the cables had an influence...
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    RA8875 not found !

    I received my second RA8875 module and I have the same problem with readData, I had to make the same modifications in the Adafruit_RA8875.cpp library and the RA8875.cpp library so that it works except for the readdata which does not work, I wonder if it can come from a spi librarian conflict for...
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    RA8875 not found !

    it's normal that when i remove wire miso from teensy to RA8875, buildtest and textmode work, excepted my problem of readData() ? else is possible that miso pin from RA8875 is dead ?
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    RA8875 not found !

    can I use the internal teensy 3.6 sd card without the problem of tristate miso, I think the sdcard uses sdio, is that it? there is no problem with RA8875 ? thanks.
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    RA8875 not found !

    i have ordered another RA8875, the old will be replaced, i have create an account on adafruit forum.
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    RA8875 not found !

    I understand and thanks you for your responses. what i do not understand is why the function writeReg() and writeData () work well but that readData () does not work, it always returns the value 0xFF for any register, that's why the touchscreen does not n work, I could modify some code to avoid...
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    RA8875 not found !

    on the code from file Adafruit_RA8875.h, there are defined hex values for RA8875_CMDWRITE, RA8875_CMDREAD, RA8875_DATAWRITE, and RA8875_DATAREAD. these values are transferred directly to the RA8875 through the function SPI.transfer. Can I ask how you found these value for command read/write and...
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    RA8875 not found !

    what is a speed spi for teensy 3.6 at 180 Mgz ?
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    RA8875 not found !

    after modifying the library, textMode works, the hardest will be the touchscreen. all in all, I think, the module is not defective, i hope. the problem comes from readData() to read spi data after a writing command to spi (writeCommand(xxx)). I do not know why the method below does not...
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    RA8875 not found !

    above the result of textMode sketch
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    RA8875 not found !

    i have tested with librarie from teensyduino is a same it don't work i need to modify method waitPoll and comment the code /* if (x != 0x75) { return false; } */ textMode not work too, i suspect register from RA8875, because textMode read register and write to register...
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    RA8875 not found !

    i have replaced the code from Adafruit_RA8875.cpp for waitPoll by the code below /**************************************************************************/ /*! Waits for screen to finish by polling the status! */...