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  1. D

    Life, but not as we know it

    ... and a couple of shots of the insides I forgot in my original post.
  2. D

    Life, but not as we know it

    Here's an almost completed project which represents Conway's Game of Life on a cube of 32x32 RGB LED panels. It uses a Teensy4.0 and a SmartLED shield to drive 6 LED panels connected in a single chain, and then arranged as a cube. A Raspberry Pi Zero W is connected to the Teensy to provide...
  3. D

    Entropy library question

    Thanks Paul. Presumably calling available() and (re?)-seeding would have a performance impact, which may or may not be significant in my use case. I'll run with what I have for now as I think it will suffice, and then explore better options if need be. If the effect I was seeing earlier in...
  4. D

    Entropy library question

    I'm looking for a "good" random number solution in a non-cryptography way. Good just means that it has to be reasonably fast as I'll be using it a lot, and it shouldn't be obviously apparent that it's pseudo-random, even if it is. Initially I was using just the standard randomSeed() and...
  5. D

    Teensy Loader CLI specify upload port

    It may be a non-starter in your case but you can bring the PROGRAM pin low when you use the -w flag (wait) with teensy_loader_cli. I have a remote Pi Zero W uploading to my Teensy4.0 and can confirm that this works, although since I only have one Teensy going straight over USB works as well. I...
  6. D

    Teensy 4.1 Reset Button Necessary for Build?

    @MarkT - Implemented this and it works just as you would expect. Checking another thing off my to-do list and might actually finish this project. :D
  7. D

    Arduino CLI And IDE now Released - Teensy Supported!

    Absolutely. I'll do what I can to help. I don't typically delve too deep into the weeds on stuff, but I'm happy to take your direction and try anything you'd like me to try. To me this error is just an annoyance and doesn't affect the compile process other than a distracting message. (I've...
  8. D

    Arduino CLI And IDE now Released - Teensy Supported!

    Hmmm. Nothing useful, to me at least. The error happens immediately before any compiling starts: arduino-cli compile -v -b teensy:avr:teensy40 --build-path /home/dave/Arduino/Blink/build/ /home/dave/Arduino/Blink Error initializing instance: discovery not found: teensy:teensy-discovery Using...
  9. D

    Arduino CLI And IDE now Released - Teensy Supported!

    This might be better suited directed to other forums, but I'm logged on here right now, so: 1. Is it possible to run arduino-cli without discovery? I only run it to compile my code and do not have a Teensy connected to my development machine. Because of this I always get "Error initializing...
  10. D

    can a teensy lc support 6 potentiometers AND 6 encoders and a display?

    This page lists the interrupts available on each version of Teensy. Bear in mind that not all interrupts will be available if you use the pins for other functionality, so you have to consider that in your design phase. To help out each Teensy has a...
  11. D

    How to program the teensy without pushing the button

    Yeah, it does have that limitation as noted in the documentation. It works for me as I only have one Teensy to choose from. The -r flag allows you to select the Teensy using additional hardware to control the Teensy PROGRAM pin, but I haven't implemented this yet, and it probably wouldn't work...
  12. D

    How to program the teensy without pushing the button

    `teensy_loader_cli --mcu=TEENSY41 -sv main.ino.hex` works for me, without anything else. It uses the -s flag instead of -w, which means it will attempt to reboot the first Teensy it finds. Might not be suitable for all situations, but works fine for me with no additional commands. It also...
  13. D

    Code not uploading to Teensy32 from Python

    My success is limited to using Python 3.x on a Raspberry Pi, so I can't offer much more in the way of suggestions. I will however set up a test on my computer later using ardiuno-cli from Python to see if I can replicate your issue. Sounds Python related, but may be a combination of...
  14. D

    Teensy 4.1 Reset Button Necessary for Build?

    Thanks Mark. That's what I was thinking might work, but needed confirmation as I'm no expert on these things.
  15. D

    Code not uploading to Teensy32 from Python

    I believe your subprocess command needs to be like this:['/path/to/arduino-cli.exe', 'compile', '--upload', '/path/to/treadmillEncoder.ino', '-p', 'COM4', '-b', 'teensy:avr:teensy31']) i.e. you need a list containing the command and each argument separately. At least in the...
  16. D

    Teensy 4.1 Reset Button Necessary for Build?

    Thanks for this Paul. I'll have to do some more thinking about this. The problem with the RPi controlling the PROGRAM pin is during boot the RPi pin is low. I was planning a pull-up to 3.3V as an attempt to solve this, but will review your documentation first. Sounds like my idea might be a...
  17. D

    T4.1 flashing another T4.1

    I totally understand about the RPi and on reflection for a handheld device the boot time is less than ideal. However, considering the other option mentioned where the target code is self-updating would a viable option be where the two devices run the same firmware and the programmer updates the...
  18. D

    T4.1 flashing another T4.1

    I'm currently working on a project that uses a Raspberry Pi Zero W to do over the air updates to a Teensy 4.0. I don't know if this approach would run afoul of your certification requirements as the Pi runs a Linux OS. The Pi could easily be made in to a handheld device, and with a display...
  19. D

    Teensy 4.1 Reset Button Necessary for Build?

    I was going off the schematic which shows no pull-up, but I did not consider an internal pull-up. I'd guess this is the likely configuration.
  20. D

    Teensy 4.1 Reset Button Necessary for Build?

    @kevin123 I believe it's active low, so you'll need to pull it to GND to simulate the button press. I was trying to do a similar thing by controlling the PROGRAM pin from a Pi Zero that was also in the enclosure as a Teensy 4.0. I couldn't get this working successfully and gave up, (rather...
  21. D

    two or more hardware serial ports?

    Just use Serial for USB and Serial1, Serial2, etc. for the others. e.g. void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // USB Serial1.begin(9600); // Pins RX1/TX1 Serial2.begin(9600); // Pins RX2/TX2 } The "#define HWSERIAL Serial1" in the example code is just a convenience to replace HWSERIAL...
  22. D

    Arduino CLI And IDE now Released - Teensy Supported!

    Just as an update to my posts I now have a working setup where I can use Visual Studio Code to edit, compile, (using arduino-cli), and upload to a remote Teensy 4.0, (via rsync to a Raspberry Pi Zero W running a Python app that in turn runs teensy_loader_cli). Couldn't get the GPIO to PROGRAM...
  23. D

    Arduino CLI And IDE now Released - Teensy Supported!

    Thanks Paul! I missed teensy_reboot in my research last night. I'll go try it out. Sounds like the GPIO will be a necessary addition for reliability after all, although as it stands my code has been reliable so far. But of course that can change! I'll look into any option other than Python...
  24. D

    Arduino CLI And IDE now Released - Teensy Supported!

    Just wondering about the plans for headless support. Not looking for definitive answers, just thinking about a couple of things. My project has a headless RPi Zero W hooked to a Teensy4.0. The main issue I have right now is that with teensy-loader-cli I need to press the reset button for it...
  25. D

    Interfacing to a spark plug wire inductive clamp

    I've been chipping away at this and found a great Youtube video on modeling a spark gap in LTSpice. Didn't really need to do this, but it was very useful in learning LTSpice with something I'm actually working on. I'm not sure how far I'll go with modelling the complete system but I enjoy...
  26. D

    CS42448 availability?

    Now down to 38 with 4000 due in December. Grab 'em now while you can!
  27. D

    Interfacing to a spark plug wire inductive clamp

    I haven't used wine in a long time because I had issues with it. However that was many years ago so I'll give it another try! Thanks for the suggestion.
  28. D

    Interfacing to a spark plug wire inductive clamp

    RPM is broadcast on the bus and I have been able to isolate the PID and that's how I know it's only at 5Hz, (200ms period). It's very possible that it's broadcast on a different PID as I haven't deciphered them all yet, (in fact only a few with certainty), but I have a complete list of PIDs...
  29. D

    Interfacing to a spark plug wire inductive clamp

    Thanks guys! Here's some follow up. 2017 Harley-Davidson Sportster. Clamps like this are just a convenient way of getting to the timing without having to dig in to other wiring or components. Since they're a very common tool for this very job that's why I chose one. However, if I eventually...
  30. D

    Interfacing to a spark plug wire inductive clamp

    So I'm still struggling with this. I'm finding a lot of information, but can't quite put it together. Before I get to plugging things in to the Teensy, and making a circuit to condition the signal, I want to understand what I'm dealing with. Here's where I'm at so far: Typical spark plug...
  31. D

    Interfacing to a spark plug wire inductive clamp

    Awesome link. Thanks!! Learning a ton of stuff.
  32. D

    Interfacing to a spark plug wire inductive clamp

    I'd like to use a Teensy 4.0 to read engine RPM of my motorcycle by using a generic spark plug wire inductive clamp I bought through Amazon, (link), but I just don't know what circuitry to put between the clamp and the Teensy. Using my Analog Devices Discovery 2 scope I can see a very clean...
  33. D

    FreqMeasureMulti and CAN Bus pin conflicts

    I'm building a project based on a Teensy 4.0 that utilizes both CAN1 and CAN2 but also needs a reliable way to measure an RPM input (up to a max of 2kHz, but typically less than 1kHz). Since the FreqMeasure library has a pin conflict with CTX1, I'm looking at FreqMeasureMulti but I'm unsure...
  34. D

    Quick Teensy 3.6 USB Host questions

    No apology needed. It's still a project I need to get back to some day.
  35. D

    Quick Teensy 3.6 USB Host questions

    To answer the question directed to me, unfortunately I simply can't remember how far I got with this. The dyno projects stalled out and the USB weather station is still in my drawer but I've since used the T36 for other things. It seems I was getting something with UHS30, (whatever that is!)...
  36. D

    Interrupt performance

    OK, the penny has finally dropped! This clears up the mystery for me. I understood what you put in your original post but it didn't fully register. I certainly don't need microsecond timing for this, I just thought it was a convenient solution.
  37. D

    Interrupt performance

    Thanks for all the responses. Some useful pointers but maybe I should clarify a couple of things. First the title of my post might be misleading, it obviously isn't a performance issue but perhaps an implementation issue. Secondly when I said that "interrupts would be ideal" that's purely...
  38. D

    Interrupt performance

    Well that certainly seems to work. But now I'm curious as to why toggling state has issues. :D
  39. D

    Interrupt performance

    I'm starting a new project that will be using a Teensy 4.0 or 4.1, but I haven't ordered it yet, so I'm prototyping some concepts on an ATmega328 based SparkFun RedBoard. I'm simply testing interrupt code from a limit switch I intend to use using the following example code from the Arduino...
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    Teensy Loader slow to start up

    Thanks Paul! Can confirm the new 1.54-beta6c version is now quicker than a quick thing. Edit: Beta version installed on machine in OP. Just checked the new HP in my shop and the original loader version 1.53 loads quickly even though both are running 20.04.2. The new one is a fresh install...
  41. D

    Teensy Loader slow to start up

    I have trouble with GTK2/3 compatibility all the time and usually have to install additional libraries. I just found out about lack of 32bit support when I tried to upgrade my shop PC. It's impossible to keep up to date with everything it seems. :rolleyes:
  42. D

    Teensy Loader slow to start up

    I'm happy to help with any testing. In addition to the machine in my OP I have a new HP All-in-one that I just set up to dual boot Windows and Ubuntu 20.04. I have loaded Teensyduino on it but not yet tested it. I also have a good laptop with 18.04 for comparison.
  43. D

    Teensy Loader slow to start up

    It definitely seems to be a 20.04 issue. I have an old 32bit machine out in the shop running 18.04, (I think), and the same version of Teensy loader and that works fine. I still have the same issue with my 20.04 setup.
  44. D

    Teensy Loader slow to start up

    Anyone? Just some pointers as to what to look at would be helpful.
  45. D

    MIDI Basics

    Thanks for the reply! That SparkFun tutorial gave me lots of helpful info and I think you've probably saved me three months of work. :) I'm scrapping my original Java application and just building the hardware side of things as a MIDI device. It works as-is with MuseScore which gives me most...
  46. D

    Arghhh, I need to get more organized

    I can relate to this! I keep things in boxes. But I spread the boxes out between my office, the garage, the shop, etc. And then there are the things that were in boxes that I take out and never put back. And the things that I discover when looking for other things I know I have somewhere...
  47. D

    MIDI Basics

    I need a little help on some basic MIDI stuff so I can better understand what's happening under the hood. I am creating a device using a Teensy 3.2 that receives MIDI events (namely note on and note off) and uses the info to control a strip of LEDs. What I'm wondering is where does the timing...
  48. D

    Teensy Loader slow to start up

    I've just built a new Linux PC and have installed all my development stuff, including Arduino IDE 1.8.13 and Teensy Loader 1.53. While they both work and I'm able to upload sketches to a Teensy 3.2 they both take ~25 seconds to load up. This means that as soon as the IDE is available and a...
  49. D

    Cutting VIN to VUSB trace - or not

    I was thinking about the diode option. This would probably work fine because the CAN transceivers are powered directly from the 5V regulator on my board so I would only be powering the Teensy with the reduced voltage. (CAN would only be operational when connected to the vehicle.) The 5V...
  50. D

    Cutting VIN to VUSB trace - or not

    What if I don't (didn't :D) cut the trace from VIN to VUSB when powering from an external 5V source? I made a dual CAN board with its own 5V supply powered by the vehicles 12V. This supplies the CAN transceiver and also the Teensy 3.6 when USB isn't connected. I'm using the SD card to log the...