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  1. P

    USB-C with teensy 4.1- connector distance

    Thanks for the input!
  2. P

    USB-C with teensy 4.1- connector distance

    Hello, I would like to add a usbC connector to the pcb I am designing around a teensy 4.1. Where normally you might have the teensy’s usb connector on the edge of a pcb to access it through an enclosure, I’d like to spin the teensy around and have the SD card on the pcb edge. And then add a usb...
  3. P

    Incoming MIDI and TFT screen animations

    Oh, interesting! Definitely will give this a try. The animations I’m making are closer to P5 generative art sketches, rather than data readout or text fields. The only library I’ve found with specific support and examples for the round screen is adafruit GFX, and my animations are mostly happy...
  4. P

    Incoming MIDI and TFT screen animations

    Hello! I’m playing around with various TFT screens, and really like the aesthetic of the round screens found on Amazon etc. I’m using 1.28” 240x240 GC9A01 I have a 16ch mux (but only 6 pots wired for now), a mpr121 touch breakout, a pcm5102 dac, and the tft screen all happily communicating on...
  5. P

    tgx: a 2D/3D graphics library for Teensy.

    I installed the latest teensyduino and everything works. Thanks!
  6. P

    tgx: a 2D/3D graphics library for Teensy.

    Amazing! I’ll give this a try in the morning. Exciting!
  7. P

    tgx: a 2D/3D graphics library for Teensy.

    I would love to check out this library! On first try, I get this error when compiling : Arduino/libraries/tgx-main/src/Mesh3D.inl:301:42: error: 'extmem_free' was not declared in this scope extmem_free((void *)p); and Arduino/libraries/tgx-main/src/Mesh3D.inl:310:41...
  8. P

    Audio Adaptor SD card and Flash Memory

    Hi! Quick update and case closed: I soldered a wire direct from teensy to audio adaptor for the MCLK signal. That trace was right on the edge of design rules in my layout. Thanks to Paul for pointing out that is the touchy one to watch out for. With the wire soldered, everything works. Thanks...
  9. P

    Audio Adaptor SD card and Flash Memory

    The kludge meters continuity and no shorts... One of the grounds from the audio adaptor goes direct to the Teensy. The other ground from the audio adaptor looks like autoroute sent it through the ground leg of an led before it gets to the teensy. Most of the board was routed manually, but I...
  10. P

    Audio Adaptor SD card and Flash Memory

    Might have spoke too soon, The SD card is recognized, but when I play an audio file from it, the output from the audio adaptor goes to a zippering click sound that remains until I restart the device. Is this likely due to a short in the kludge, or something else to consider?
  11. P

    Audio Adaptor SD card and Flash Memory

    Well this is embarrassing but a huge relief: the sd cs pin was routed on my schematic but didn’t make it onto the pcb. One piece of wire later, SD card is recognized. What’s a first-time PCB without a kludge, ha! Full spectrum roller coaster synth dev I get a badge?:) What an...
  12. P

    Audio Adaptor SD card and Flash Memory

    I’ll look into TeensyTransfer, thanks! The audio adaptor is connected pin for pin according to the webpage on pjrc, which only lists 3.3V. How could I measure if it’s getting enough power? The adaptor was purchased from an online retailer; any way to know if it’s an old one that has wires...
  13. P

    Audio Adaptor SD card and Flash Memory

    Hello! I have a few questions with my project. I made my very first PCB using fusion360 software and surface mount assembly by JLPCB. A teensy4, adafruit MPR121 touch sensor, and audio adaptor connect with headers, and there are 33 surface mount leds. Amazingly enough, the pcb works! The feeling...
  14. P

    MIDI Sequencer

    Similar results here, clock and lots of Noteoff for C-1 in the basic example. I also have a capacitive board on the way, maybe one of the newer Fifteenstep examples will work, or give more clues. I might also try decoupling the sequencer and 'midi' callback from midi output altogether, and send...
  15. P

    MIDI Sequencer

    For hardware, i'm just using the one led and one pushbutton, usbMIDI to a laptop. The basic Fifteenstep example, as I understand, should sequence that one button's performance over 16 steps and send it back over midi. Multiple capacitive buttons and neopixels can wait until i see one button...
  16. P

    MIDI Sequencer

    That does make sense! Before going the route of renaming, I tried again attempting to use usbMIDI instead of hardware serial. The usbMIDI functions built into Teensy work so dang well in every example I’ve tried. And there’s no conflicts with the sketch as-is. The translation is where I seem to...
  17. P

    MIDI Sequencer

    Hello! First post here...thanks for a wonderful platform! Really, too much fun. I am also trying to bring a sequencer into a simple synth sketch written with Audio Tools. But first, I'm looking at the Fifteenstep library, basic example. I should probably get this working before bringing...