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  1. S

    Upload problem.

    Ok thanks, then I know what to look for. Thanks again.
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    Upload problem.

    Ok, but what does that affect?
  3. S

    Upload problem.

    Thanks, But I don't mean via the programme button, but from the "Teensy Loader" which uploads the hex to the teensy. Normally you don't need to press this little button. But sometimes this doesn't work and I do have to press the button and wonder why?
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    Upload problem.

    Dear all, I regularly use the Teensy 4.1 And when a programme is already in the teensy, very often the automatic upload function to also the manual upload function of the "Teensy Loader" does not work. When you then press the reset button, the programme does upload nicely. This is tricky...
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    NativeEthernet with the Teensy 4.1 and a fixed IP does not work

    Hai All, Obtaining an IP via DHCP works fine, when an IP is fixed this does not work. The IP can then also not be pinged from a computer. When the IP is obtained from a DHCP server, pinging works fine. I use Arduino 1.8.19 and Teensyduino 1.59 With NativeEthernet 1.0.5 which is in Teensyduino...
  6. S

    Playing sdcard from the Teensy 4.1 SD reader

    Ok, Thank you very much for the info. Probably overlooked it.
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    Playing sdcard from the Teensy 4.1 SD reader

    Thanks for your message. I know that, but this one uses the sd card reader on the audio board. I would like to use the sd card reader on the Teensy 4.1 and not the sd card reader on the audio board.
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    Playing sdcard from the Teensy 4.1 SD reader

    Is it possible to play a sound contained on a sd card inserted in the sd card reader of the Teensy 4.1.
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    Teensy 4.1 and audio library with stream plugin.

    Hai all. The audio stream plugin works with the wiznet netwerk cards, is it possible to make it also work with the network chip found on the teensy4.1? Thanks
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    QNEthernet and max sockets on a Teensy 4.1

    It is a web page using js and Ajax. The web value of the components (Ajax) are refreshed every 1000mS. The web page should be able to contain at least about 20 components. And be viewable from multiple computers and mobile devices simultaneously. Hence, I am looking for the optimal number of...
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    QNEthernet and max sockets on a Teensy 4.1

    Is it possible to retrieve and display the usage of ram1 and ram2 in the Serial Monitor? In order to determine the optimal number of sockets. Thanks.
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    QNEthernet and max sockets on a Teensy 4.1

    Hello all, I am using "QNEthernet" for the Teensy 4.1 and have a web server running on it with Ajax and JS. Now there seems to be a maximum of 8 sockets set, in which header file can you adjust this and what would be the maximum fetch bare? Thanks in advance.
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    QNethernet and internal Webpage

    Hello Shawn, First of all, thank you very much for your help. I am now trying to do it out with "client.writeFully" I modified a piece of the programme for this, but when compiling I get the following error. What am I not doing right? Thanks in advance.
  14. S

    QNethernet and internal Webpage

    Hello all, I have a web page in Teensy 4.1 and am using CSS and Ajax. The webpage is quite large with a lot of data and I notice that way too much data is being sent and the buffer cannot handle the data. Whole blocks of data are disappearing. Now I put a "Delay(50)" in each piece of data so...
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    QNEthernet, Webserver and large images.

    Hello all, I've now replaced Nativeethernet for QNEthernet and now I'm trying to send a 8400 bytes image to a browser but it doesn't work, how do I do that. The image is in the progmem "prog_char logo[] PROGMEM = {......" and send it like this: "server.send(200, F("image/jpeg"), logo);" What...
  16. S

    nativeethernet not stable.

    When more connections are established, the library pauses every now and then. This stops the whole program for a few seconds. How can I fix that. I am using version 1.0.5 Thanks in advance.
  17. S

    Webserver with problems

    Hi All, I have a program with a web server and Ajax, every now and then I get an error with "StateErr: -28" and every now and then I get the message: "No data available, closing socket" and then the program stops for a while to continue later. I see that through a runled which blinks every...
  18. S

    NativeEthernet and TCP server port.

    Hai All, My server port is stored in the eeprom. The server must intialize before its read from the Eeprom. How can this after the port read from the Eeprom? uint16_t webPort = ( * 256) + ; EthernetServer webServer(webPort); Thanks.
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    T4.1 and Ethernet

    Thank you for the answer.
  20. S

    T4.1 and Ethernet

    The number of simultaneous connections it can handle. With the W5100 there are 4 and with the W5500 there are 8. How many are there with the T4.1 with ethernet interface? Thanks.
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    T4.1 and Ethernet

    Hai All, How many sockets have the T4.1 ethernet? Thanks.
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    Microphone Feedback killer.

    Hai All, How can I make a Microphone feedback killer with the Teensy 3.6 and the SGTL5000? Thanks.
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    Teensy 3.6 and memmory

    Hai, I have a project withe a Teensy 3.6 an i will monitor the memmory. When the program run, i see: ==== memory report ==== free: 3670043 Kb (1835021.3%) stack: 524480 Kb (262240.0%) heap: 68 Kb (33.9%) **warning: stack and heap crash possible The response like not good. I have use...
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    Freeze after 4 to 6 weeks.

    Hai, A have a project with Teensy 3.6 with SGTL 500. A have more project 's with this. all wil freeze after 4 to 6 weeks. What can happens? Thanks
  25. S

    Audio Library and 8k Sampling Frequency.

    Thanks, In the library, see this: #elif F_CPU == 180000000 #define MCLK_MULT 16 #define MCLK_DIV 255 #define MCLK_SRC 0 Can you tel me what the formula is for the setting 's. Thanks.
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    Audio Library and 8k Sampling Frequency.

    The SGTL5000 codex have the follow Sampling Frequency 's: 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48, 96. Can the Audio library also 8K Sampling Frequency handle? Thanks.
  27. S

    SGTL5000 Audio board and Watchdog

    Hi, Sometimes, when i start of stopping a play, the Teensy are into Watchdog / COP reset. What is wrong, Thanks. The Watchdog reset function is: unsigned long wdt_millis = 0; void reset_watchdog() { dma_watchdog_point = 3; if (millis() > wdt_millis) { wdt_millis = millis() + 250...
  28. S

    Watchdog timer and audio SGTL5000

    This is the watchdog start function: void start_watchdog() { Serial.println("Start WatchDog!"); noInterrupts(); WDOG_UNLOCK = WDOG_UNLOCK_SEQ1; WDOG_UNLOCK = WDOG_UNLOCK_SEQ2; delayMicroseconds(1); // Need to wait a bit.. WDOG_STCTRLH = 0x0001; // Enable WDG WDOG_TOVALH =...
  29. S

    Watchdog timer and audio SGTL5000

    I have this function for reset the watchdog. void reset_watchdog() { noInterrupts(); WDOG_REFRESH = 0xA602; WDOG_REFRESH = 0xB480; interrupts(); }
  30. S

    Watchdog timer and audio SGTL5000

    Tomorow test this. Thanks.
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    Watchdog timer and audio SGTL5000

    The message is 6 seconds, the watchdog timeout is 1 minute and 5 seconds.
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    Watchdog timer and audio SGTL5000

    No delays, sometimes after a sdplay, the watchdog reboot the Teensy
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    Watchdog timer and audio SGTL5000

    The watchdog timer works well on my Teensy 3.6 But after a sound play, the watchdog reset somtimes. what is heppents Thanks
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    Teensy 3.6 and RTC date and time not ok when power lost.

    The battery house was the problem, not good connection.
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    Watchdog timer and serial.print

    How can i am a Watchdog timer to a function with serial.print the WDT fault. With a Teensy 3.6 Thanks.
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    Teensy 3.6 and RTC date and time not ok when power lost.

    Thanks Paul, Is the rtc state or \ and the vbat reading in the source? Thanks.
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    Teensy 3.6 and RTC date and time not ok when power lost.

    Yes, this is into the setup loop "setSyncProvider(getTeensy3Time);" How can the rtc time to the hex time ? Thanks.
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    Teensy 3.6 and RTC date and time not ok when power lost.

    I have a Teensy 3.6 with a battery, when i reset the Teensy, the clock is ok. When i lost the power, the time is from te HEX file? Also with the Example "TimeTeensy3" what is this??? Thanks.