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  1. G

    Without Arduino IDE...

    Hi Defragster Thanks for the information, ill explore this option as well. Ged.
  2. G

    Without Arduino IDE...

    Hi Paul, thanks fornyour input. Ill take a look at the Teensy Loader with Arduino, I didnt see this, must of missed it. Regarding the Teensy 4.1, currently im using the Teensy 3.6 with Pedvides ADC library, it works well. Does the ADC library support Teensy 4.1 ?, also what is the current...
  3. G

    Without Arduino IDE...

    Hi all I`m sorry if this question has been asked a 100 times, I'm sure it has but I haven't been able to find a solution; any support would be very much appreciated. So, Imagine this. You have a commercial product that utilises a Teensy. However, you want to be able to offer firmware updates...
  4. G

    Teensy 3.5/3.6 ADC MUX Speed

    Hi all I'm building a midi project that samples approx. 20 analogue signals and I need to do it as fast as possible. I'm wondering would it be faster to use 1 CD74HC4067 to multiplexer 10 channels to ADC0 and 1 CD74HC4067 to multiplexer 10 channels to ADC1 or, would it be faster to do away with...
  5. G

    EEPROM "put"/"get" problem

    Hi defragster Yes, i think I have hit the problem you described above. At address 0, i write a float (for example 1.1), but at address 4 I want to write int (200 for example), but it doesnt seem to like that....So how do I count the space used so i dont have a problem?
  6. G

    EEPROM "put"/"get" problem

    Thanks Defragster That did the trick, but I had to apply the same for the "get" command to receive the correct values from the EEPROM otherwise I got rubbish. EEPROMA = EEPROM.get(0 * sizeof(RESI_A), RESI_A); EEPROMB = EEPROM.get(1 * sizeof(RESI_B), RESI_B); EEPROMC = EEPROM.get(2 *...
  7. G

    EEPROM "put"/"get" problem

    Hi all Can anyone help me out with this seemingly none complicated problem. I've created a C# program to send serial data to a Teensy 3.2. On the Teensy there is the code below. The idea is that when the Teensy detects a string, RESI_A for example, a float number is put into the EEPROM. The...
  8. G

    Custom WIN Program for Teensy

    Thanks Pete, ill take note of that.
  9. G

    Custom WIN Program for Teensy

    O defragster, you little beauty and I'm a muppet. COM port changed to COM14...........pfff. It seems that after I program the Teensy, it automatically changes COM port, seems bizarre to me.
  10. G

    Custom WIN Program for Teensy

    Hi I have made some progress. I have managed to write a basic C# program that will turn ON and OFF pin 13 LED on a Teensy 3.5 using the USB Type: Serial. Its a breakthrough, I'm really happy with myself ha ha. However, because I'm building a midi project I need my C# program to work when I...
  11. G

    Custom WIN Program for Teensy

    Thanks luni, this looks promising...
  12. G

    Custom WIN Program for Teensy

    How do you mean?
  13. G

    Custom WIN Program for Teensy

    Hi All Does anyone know if its possible to create a custom Windows program that can 1. Read analog inputs, 2.write to the Teensy EEPROM?? Ive searched but havent found anything. It wod seem a bit odd if you cant do this? Thanks in advance.
  14. G

    Vibrato - Using software on a MIDI Note

    The video seems to be about manipulating an mp3 file, but I wont to basically know how I can use the pitch bend midi command with velocity to create vibrato..... Maybe you can point me to the documentation please...
  15. G

    Vibrato - Using software on a MIDI Note

    Hi MarkT Its pitch modulation I want to do and I'm wondering if I can add it to a velocity command as well. Could you elaborate a little more on "There is the modulated waveform class, AudioSynthWaveformModulated, that you can frequency modulate. Amplitude modulation would be done with...
  16. G

    Vibrato - Using software on a MIDI Note

    Hi All I'm creating a midi project and Id like to add vibrato (modulation) to a note automatically via the code. For various reasons, I don't have the option of using a bite sensor like you would see on an EWI which measures the bite sensor with an analog input and this variation in analog...
  17. G

    ADC Library - faster conversions

    Hi Would this be a correct assumption: ADC Clock Teensy 3.2 = 400Khz 1 / 400Khz = 2.5uS So the ADC can sample a sensor value every 2.5uS. ADC0 needs to sample 11 sensors before sending the data through USBMidi, so if 11 * 2.5uS = 27.5uS. This is the time it will take to sample all 11...
  18. G

    ADC Library - faster conversions

    Hi I`m using the CD74HC4067 16 channel MUX. According to the data sheet there is a “Break-Before-Make” Switching time of 6ns (Typ) at 4.5V, so I have added a 10uS delay between switching channels, should be plenty. I will also simplify my digitalWrites (thanks jonr for pointing this out). This...
  19. G

    ADC Library - faster conversions

    Hi defragster No Resolution has been set, but I think I could get away with eight bit. I'm not sure about the average samples, I think one sample would be enough as the ADC is just monitoring a sensor that provides an analog output. What would I think would help is: 1. having both ADC0 and ADC1...
  20. G

    ADC Library - faster conversions

    Hi all I'm working on a music midi project using Teensy 3.2. I have 22 sensors, 16 of which are monitored by pin A1 using a 16 channel Multiplexer and the remaining sensors using the ADC channels on the Teensy board. Everything works, but it seems that the sampling is just not quick enough to...
  21. G

    Reading more than one Digital Input at the same time

    Hi Defragster Thanks for the feedback, it makes sense what you said. I was thinking that I could implement a lookup table but I dont know how to do this, any ideas? Also, Ive listed my complete code as Ive just noticed the forum rules: #include <Bounce.h> #define BREATH_CONTROLLER 2 #define...
  22. G

    Reading more than one Digital Input at the same time

    Hi Defragster Teensy 3.2. The inputs are changed manually, they are simple tactile switches. Essentially Im trying to create a musical project, the switches turn on the musical notes. Example, switch 1 = C4, switch 2 = D4, switch 2 and 3 together = E4...and so on... thanks for your support...
  23. G

    Reading more than one Digital Input at the same time

    Hi I need to be able to detect the changing states of more than one digital inputs at the same time and then cause an action, for example if two switches are activated. Could someone help me with this problem please. Also, is it better to use digital read or button0.falling edge for example...
  24. G

    Audi Shield - Micro SD Card

    Thanks Thanks mate for your support....
  25. G

    Audi Shield - Micro SD Card

    Hi Can anyone advise me how I can read what files are stored on the Audio Shield micro SD card and a way to add new files to the micro SD card? Im using the Audio Shield with the Teensy 3.2 many thanks G.