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  1. T

    ClearPath - Teknic servos

    Thank you :) No I used all the Teknic components. So their controller I had to rewrite the whole controller code. At the moment I only needed Z so it wasn't too difficult. I think you can get a 30 day return if you use Clearcore to see if...
  2. T

    ClearPath - Teknic servos

    Hi I decided to go to the full Teknic setup so that I have fewer variables to worry about. Controller, power supply and cables. It does mean the servo upgrade will have to cost a bit but I will figure out how to add it into the current pricing of the machines. I will see how I can use my 12V...
  3. T

    ClearPath - Teknic servos

    Thank you for that. I will have a look at it this week.
  4. T

    ClearPath - Teknic servos

    Sorry about that. I am looking at using this one
  5. T

    ClearPath - Teknic servos

    Hi I am looking at using the ClearPath - Teknic servos on a project. At the moment I use a Sangiuolo to run our steppers. I would like to use a Teensy to run the servos because of the higher CPU clock speed. I downloaded Teensyduino 1.41 and installed it in Arduino 1.8.5 I installed the...
  6. T

    PCB design question

    I started working on my PCB design and I am wondering if I am not doing something that is a bit crazy My container for the electronics will be a cylinder 3D printed with a hole on the one side that allows the user to see the display. Each PCB will be clipped into a larger bracket and the...
  7. T

    Adafruit sharp module

    I tried the Adafruit library again, but this time on an Arduino. It worked fine. I then tried it again on the Teensy 3 and the same sketch worked. I probably used the wrong pins on the Teensy or the rest of my weapon code messed up what the library was doing. I need to try and integrate it...
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    Adafruit sharp module

    I spent the last 2 days studying all the code I could find relating to this module and I learnt SPI This is the beginning. I can draw lines :) #include <SPI.h> const int slaveSelectPin = 10; void setup() { // set the slaveSelectPin as an output: pinMode (slaveSelectPin, OUTPUT); //...
  9. T

    How do others develop without delay()

    I never call delay() in my code and I was just wondering if what I do is normal or best practice even or if there is a better way of doing it Here is an example void Weapon::doFlashMuzzle(TeamEnum team) { if (shooting || busyFlashingMuzzleLight) { unsigned long currentMillis = millis()...
  10. T

    Adafruit sharp module

    Paul have you had time to look at this? I connected one this morning to my Teensy. First I had just pixels and now I have nothing showing up These are the pins I used and I tried different combinations on the screen 20 DISP_SS 13 DISP_SCK 11 DISP_MOSI I assumed since the previous LCD that I...
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    Trying to use WT5001M02-28P

    I did use it before, but I think my code is bad. Going to rewrite it. I have an idea of what I will do
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    Trying to use WT5001M02-28P

    I wonder when Paul is going to release that awesome sound card of his *hint*hint* :)
  13. T

    Trying to use WT5001M02-28P

    What I like about this sound card is that I can communicate using just 1 pin, but it seems I might need to use RX and TX because when I send commands they don't seem to always be executed. When I press my trigger I send a repeat command and after releasing the trigger I send a stop command...
  14. T

    Trying to use WT5001M02-28P

    You seem to be right when it comes to the 5V. I was lucky I have a 4GB SD card that works with the module. I think it is a Sandisk. My circuit was down to about 3.7V and I had to put the volume very low to get sound out of the card. I am now at 4.9V and I can almost get full volume. I...
  15. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I do have a low cost $100 meter so to really measure what is going on I need a high cost Fluke or something like that My oscilloscope should give me an idea of the voltage at least, but not the amps? I am starting to think to go on with the rest of the project so that I at least have something...
  16. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I am using this driver now and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I also moved the circuit to its own board so that there is very little that could cause a problem, still no difference. I will try some of my old basic...
  17. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    10V doesn't make any difference. I think the mosfet just doesn't open enough
  18. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    With 6.5V I am not blowing the LED and I am getting the brightness I am after. It is probably reducing the life of the LED, but I am still only reading a couple hundred mV over the LED. This is most likely why the guns we have use 7.2V NiMh, charged to 8.5V or so. Probably also because they...
  19. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    Good idea. I will move just the IR to its own breadboard and see how it goes I have actually been busy with my gun development since December 2012 I believe. I have written over 10 000 lines of code if you combine the battlebox, headset, gun and Android controller code. Miles Tag website was...
  20. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I installed the mosfets ( and resistors this week and I have been trying to figure out what is wrong. It seems I am not getting full power from the LED. I compared the light with the light from our current laser tag guns. Their light makes a nice...
  21. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    Hi Thank you for your input. I haven't had time to look at my range code or the IR code for a couple of weeks while I have been waiting for the parts for the range setting and working on my sound. I am using TSOP1156 ( that needs signals at 56...
  22. T

    Teensy3 ST7735 Library

    I upgraded to version 1.0.5 and I am having the following errors I created a clean installation I guess the constants probably moved to another header file? I haven't done much investigation yet, just disabled all my screen code for now...
  23. T

    Giving info on components that seem to work nice

    This is just to help other guys that might be looking for components for their projects. I am still in early days of using these items, but things seem to be going well Batteries I have 2...
  24. T

    Adafruit sharp module

    Thank you. I ordered 2. Should arrive here in about a month
  25. T

    Adafruit sharp module

    I deleted Teensy3_ST7735 from my libraries to get it to compile From what I am seeing it seems the sharp might use less power than the oled if you use more static images. Why do you prefer the oled?
  26. T

    Adafruit sharp module

    Please send me your address and I will order a module for you. I really don't mind paying for a module to get this sorted
  27. T

    Adafruit sharp module

    I am considering buying a module for someone that has the ability to write the library for the Teensy 3 and make the library smart enough to switch between the static and dynamic modes
  28. T

    Adafruit sharp module

    Has anybody used the Sharp module from Adafruit ( with the Teensy 3? I was trying to get it to compile, but not much luck. If I compare it with the Teensy 3 ST7735 driver it looks like a rewrite of the SharpMem file is probably needed
  29. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    If it blows up it will be like it is not in the circuit anymore. That was my logic
  30. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    Can package type IPAK fit in a breadboard?
  31. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    It seems when I remove the LED from the circuit the amps going into Q1 increases to almost 40 mA so that will blow up the Teensy If I add a 170 ohm resistor between the Teensy and Q1 base and the LED blows the Teensy seem to be safe LED alive LED dead
  32. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I fixed it, thank you. Didn't know there was a difference between a voltage source with 1 output and voltage source with 2 outputs in this app Changing R1 in the simulator to 5 ohm and R2 to 1k shows Q2 circuit going at lightning speed. $ 1 5.0E-6 0.09591894571091382 46 5.0 50 t 320 224 352...
  33. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I will build the circuit this weekend and also order some components to play with. My sound card doesn't work at 3.3V so need to figure something out there I created it in the simulator. It seems there isn't any power going through the LED in the simulator Simulator URL...
  34. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I found a circuit simulator. Do these numbers look about right? I created a darlington configuration
  35. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I found a voltage regulator that will supply 3.3V 5A. It is the lowest cost one that is above 1.5A. Its dropout will be around 0.9V when everything is active so it will stop regulating when the batteries reach around 4.2V. That gives me a buffer for the batteries and keeps it simple not...
  36. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    My other conflicting requirements are to use what I call the brain (component containing the bulk of the electronics) in an indoor gun, outdoor small/medium/large gun, respawn box, domination box, night games, wireless headset and I want to be able to swap a brain from a component that is...
  37. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    Thank you. I will read up more about the darlington mode and low beta value. I would like to keep it as simple as possible and the current design does work. I just need more power captain :)
  38. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I can use this regulator Power my circuit at around 2.6V, I will have a look at the resistors If it runs at 2.6V it will switch off when the battery is down to 2.8V Maybe I should look at the fixed version of 2.5V, but I...
  39. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I think I found my mosfet It is available, always a big + :) It is 0.68c 2.5V on gate allows 700mA 2.6V on gate allows 800mA. 2.7V on gate allows 900mA. LED typical V = 2.6V with a max of 3V and 1A so I will be below...
  40. T

    More efficient going from 3.3V to 5V or going from 6.6V to 5v?

    No my weapon system doesn't exist yet, still working on it. I was referring to the guns we are currently using to say why I need maximum efficiency in my new design The charger I have works well with LifePo4 batteries. I have been using LifePo4 batteries in my respawn boxes and my bomb prop...
  41. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    Am I reading this right? Figure 1 on page 3 If I have an input of 1V to 10V at the Drain and I have an input of 2.7V at the gate I can get > 10A at the source? That might be a bit too much :) What will the voltage be at...
  42. T

    More efficient going from 3.3V to 5V or going from 6.6V to 5v?

    The guns we are using are from another company. They use +-7V 4500mA NiMh batteries. I plan on using 3.3V 2300 mA LifePo4 batteries in series and/or parallel So the guns we are using and causing me to get up at 1am to charge :) are not the guns I am working on to build. The guns from the...
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    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    Thank you. I started searching on Digikey for more logic level parts and then search for each part on RS to see if they have it. If RS has it I am keeping the details about the part and then I will go through each one to look at the stats Does the Rds resistance mean anything to me? What does...
  44. T

    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    I found this tutorial He uses 3.3V and the Mosfet can be powered from as low as 2.5V. If I understand the graph, powering it at 2.5V will give me 1A. I can't figure out what I need to do to get 2.6V 1A The guy recommends...
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    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    According to MarkT here I need to look for 4.5V on the Rds line So this one might be the right one The pulse is much higher than what I need (40%) It has 4.5V in the Rds line. I...
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    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    how is this mosfet...
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    More efficient going from 3.3V to 5V or going from 6.6V to 5v?

    I read voltage regulators are also about 75% efficient so there isn't going to be much difference between using a regulator or a dc/dc converter I wonder if it is a good idea to have two regulators. One that will convert the parallel pack from 3.3V/4.5V down to 2.6V. I will run the LED's and...
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    IR Question not directly related to Teensy 3

    My setup so far. Sound and range on IR are working. I contacted the sound module company to find out how much the sound chips are, maybe I can build a tripple module so that I can play 3 sounds at the same time
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    More efficient going from 3.3V to 5V or going from 6.6V to 5v?

    This is what happens currently with our laser guns: We take out the guns from their boxes and switch them on. We lay them on mats on the ground until the players arrive. Players pick up the weapons, shoot each other a bit to figure out which weapons they like the most, swap weapons and play a...
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    More efficient going from 3.3V to 5V or going from 6.6V to 5v?

    Sorry didn't think of adding the extra info, would have saved time. The battery I will use is this 3.3V LifePo4, so far, ordered them, but haven't tested yet The motor is a vibration...