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  1. vjmuzik

    cabled I2C PCB considerations

    It’s probably overkill, I’ve run 5v i2c over at least 25ft. It just depends what speed you are looking to run at. Best thing to do is to just test it.
  2. vjmuzik

    USB-C with teensy 4.1- connector distance

    Not at all, I’ve placed one at least 6 inches away before and I had an export error that made me unable to use the PCB traces so I had to use hookup wire for those 6 inches to the connector. The signal integrity seems pretty lenient in my case since I don’t believe I even twisted the wires...
  3. vjmuzik

    Teensy 4.1 : GPIO config is NOT glitch free

    Have you tried using digitalWriteFast()? That should do what you want it to.
  4. vjmuzik

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    It's been so long since I've worked on this I went back over the schematic I drew up and of course I find an error after the fact, U2B's inputs need swapped. I also put it into a simulator to try to "see" how it works and I believe I've got somewhat of an understanding of what is going on in...
  5. vjmuzik

    Teensy 3.6 controlled motorfader panel

    While I have yet to build the full product hopefully I can still answer your questions. The P&G faders in question need increasing amounts of torque towards the top and bottom of its travel, this was an “intentional” feature at the time so you were less likely to ram the end stops. What that...
  6. vjmuzik

    Teensy 4.1 AGND (Retired?)

    Simple answer, NXP has no accessible AGND on these chips so Teensy 4.x can’t have one. While the analog inputs aren’t as ‘good’ as prior models they should more than suffice for 7-bit MIDI with little to no issue.
  7. vjmuzik

    T4 Pixel Pipeline Library

    I wasn’t aware the other 4 buffers were broken, good to know in the future though. Sounds like you’re more familiar with it than I am so I can only help so much. However I don’t think the PXP rotation is going to give you the result you want. You're trying to match the scan line direction of...
  8. vjmuzik

    T4 Pixel Pipeline Library

    I’m curious, since you are using FlexIO, if it wouldn’t be beneficial to make use of its buffers rather than maintaining 2 complete buffers for the screen. Since each FlexIO has 8 32 bit shift registers it can buffer 16 pixels at a time if setup correctly. So theoretically you could just...
  9. vjmuzik

    T4 Pixel Pipeline Library

    1. In the context of rotation, logically I believe that makes sense that it’s clipped to 320x320, though I understand that doesn’t really solve your problem when transferring to the screen. Now that I think about it with that in mind standard rotation might not be what you need to solve the...
  10. vjmuzik

    T4 Pixel Pipeline Library

    Truthfully I haven’t done much with this since making the library, very little even at that, so my memory of it isn’t the best. 1. That sounds about right, all the functions just change placeholder variables then call process to start it. 2. After calling process you can call finish to make...
  11. vjmuzik

    Framebuffer for 2 or more LCDs

    I only have cursory experience with this, but it really depends on the situation wether you need the extra framebuffers or not. I feel like most people generally redraw the entire framebuffer for each update so there is no practical advantage to having multiple framebuffers outside of updating 2...
  12. vjmuzik

    T4 Pixel Pipeline Library

    I’m a little at a loss for why the rotation is needed in software, don’t these type of displays usually have a built in rotation to match the buffer you send it? I’ll admit I’ve never used one of the ILI type displays or had one that has the tear effect line broken out so I haven’t been able to...
  13. vjmuzik

    Adjusting the Teensy MIDI device name

    Have you deleted the existing device from Audio MIDI Setup after the name change? That is still required on Mac as far as I know.
  14. vjmuzik

    add ethernet to a micromod format teensy

    The library would just have to be modified which is easy enough to do since most of it overlaps with the T41. It’s not necessary to use the exact same PHY since whatever support that has to be added to QNEthernet can also add support for a different PHY though at the most basic level there...
  15. vjmuzik

    New lwIP-based Ethernet library for Teensy 4.1

    I can’t speak for QNEthernet but NativeEthernet doesn’t have MDNS lookup so .local addresses won’t work.
  16. vjmuzik

    T4.1 External USB C Connector

    Yeah, just like the onboard micro USB.
  17. vjmuzik

    T4.1 External USB C Connector

    If you want it to be bus powered then yeah, otherwise you need an external source.
  18. vjmuzik

    T4.1 External USB C Connector

    I had power and ground connected on mine, if you had a different power source then you should only need ground in addition to D+ and D- like any other USB connection. It does enumerate just like normal though, nothing special needs to be done once the connections are made.
  19. vjmuzik

    Teensy 4.1 qspi

    Chips like these communicate with an SPI like interface, but they may also have multiple output pins for increasing the throughput. These extra outputs do not act in the same manner as QSPI so it's incompatible anyways, I've read somewhere that they are mainly intended for use with FPGAs...
  20. vjmuzik

    Teesny audio over UDP

    The crashes are seemingly random due to what’s causing the crash, from what I’ve been able to find it’s the Ethernet interrupt that causes it. Since you aren’t using FNET directly you should have no problem switching over to QNEthernet and that should fix the problem.
  21. vjmuzik

    Teensy 4.1 Adafruit TinyUSB Support

    I only had a cursory interest in this so I haven’t even tested or used it since making the original post.
  22. vjmuzik

    T4.1 NativeEthernet Data Access Violations (Nullpointer Exceptions)

    The problem doesn’t have to do with the TCP code itself as far as I’ve been able to find, but most of the time it ends up happening there. It’s a more complicated issue involving the interrupt that’s triggered when data is received, it seems on rare occasion the interrupt corrupts a pointer...
  23. vjmuzik

    non blocking Ethernet.begin() with cable disconnected & static IP ?

    Just from off the top of my head in remembering how I wrote it, that functionality was always there, though unintentionally on my part. Having an IP Address of 0 is what triggers the code to start DHCP when a cable is detected as plugged in. I’ll admit it’s been a while since I’ve messed with...
  24. vjmuzik

    send RAW ethernet message with Teensy 4.1 and FNET

    If you must use FNET it is a little bit more complicated to use the low level functions, but it is possible with a little bit of work. I've done it so I can walk you through it if need be, you can send raw frames without having to modify the library, but to receive raw frames you have to add the...
  25. vjmuzik

    Good examples of threading + simple web server on 4.1?

    NativeEthernet is not setup to be thread-safe, the underlying FNET stack can be though and I have previously tested that though not for several years at this point so I don't have any examples for it. I don't believe QNEthernet is thread-safe either but the again the underlying LWIP stack can be...
  26. vjmuzik

    ILI9341_t3n reentrancy?

    Since you are already using the Pixel Pipeline and you should have enough memory with EXTMEM you could use a separate buffer for the GUI and use the color keying option to blend the two together, I believe that adding the AS layer doesn't add any extra time to the pipeline process. The separate...
  27. vjmuzik

    usb host not recognizing motu device, Teensy 4.1

    It's possible that the MOTU is sending standard usbMIDI but not using a standard midi device descriptor that's currently recognized, USB Host Shield Library may be using a different method to detect it and assigning the driver or have already added the necessary checks for it. I know there are a...
  28. vjmuzik

    puzzled about how to post a photo from my mac

    If it shows attached then it worked, but like defragster says it fails without any notice at all so it can be confusing for those who don’t already know.
  29. vjmuzik

    puzzled about how to post a photo from my mac

    It likely is a size issue, for pictures it's pretty easy to be higher than what is allowed, here is the allowed filetypes and their limits. Filetype Max File-size Max Width Max Height bmp 390.6 KB 1280 1024 c 488.3 KB - - cpp 488.3 KB - - doc 488.3 KB - - gif...
  30. vjmuzik

    Next new Teensy , USB-C Please.

    They make ones specifically for power only or USB 2.0 only so it’s not a requirement. All it takes is 2 resistors for basic usage so nothing overly complicated.
  31. vjmuzik

    Next new Teensy , USB-C Please.

    Some extra solder on the thru hole part of the connector helps as well and is likely more than enough, at least for me it was after breaking one before.
  32. vjmuzik

    usb host not recognizing motu device, Teensy 4.1

    That interface has custom drivers, it's likely being recognized as a valid device but as it's not a class compliant midi device it won't work with the default MIDI driver included in the library without modification.
  33. vjmuzik

    receiving RPN an NRPN MIDI messages ?

    If you are receiving other CC messages from your controller then you will receive these if they are being sent since there is nothing special about them. Make sure you can receive other messages first before focusing on these specific ones.
  34. vjmuzik

    receiving RPN an NRPN MIDI messages ?

    I don’t believe there is specific handlers for receiving them, but they are just standard CC messages so you would receive them as such. It would then be up to you what you want to do with them and how to best handle them.
  35. vjmuzik

    QNEthernet Library - EthernetClient misbehaving

    Not sure of the specifics, but I’ve tested NativeEthernet before with Apache benchmark on the WebServer example and I usually start out at 10,000 count and go from there up to several million. That’s how I test for the error that ends up locking the Teensy up with FNET, from what I can tell it’s...
  36. vjmuzik

    PCB trace width question

    That would be correct, you can just ignore it if you plan on hardwiring the ADDR pin.
  37. vjmuzik

    PCB trace width question

    I’m still early on with my PCB design learning but for pull-up resistors the impedance is likely negligible, considering resistors aren’t exactly perfect it should be ok. Though looking at the schematic you have VDD connected to ADDR and GND connected to ADDR through a resistor. What exactly...
  38. vjmuzik

    QNEthernet Library - EthernetClient misbehaving

    The only two reasons I could see it being slower is either the client.connect() or client.stop(). Connect for obvious reasons could take longer depending on implementations. Stop may be spending extra time in its while loop waiting for the socket to close. Originally I did the same thing, but I...
  39. vjmuzik

    Serious Issue: IP = Teensy 4.1 Native Ethernet Library

    Check the QNEthernet examples, I know you don’t need the include, but you need to add a namespace.
  40. vjmuzik

    Serious Issue: IP = Teensy 4.1 Native Ethernet Library

    As suggested, try QNEthernet, for most users there won’t be a noticeable difference besides less bugs and relying on a different TCP/IP stack. Though I’m not sure if this is a DHCP issue with your modem or not, I wouldn’t expect the Teensy to behave differently after being left unpowered for a...
  41. vjmuzik

    Using CrashReport on Mac OS

    Either you can use verbose output and look for where the line that generates it says where it is then copy it or what I do is after compiling in the Teensy Loader you can click "Open HEX File" and the finder browser that opens up will show the last compiled sketches folder. From there you can...
  42. vjmuzik

    Using CrashReport on Mac OS

    Alternatively you can just drag the file from Finder into terminal rather than cding into the folder and typing it out.
  43. vjmuzik

    some trouble with a 74LS245 octal bus tranceiver...

    I say rebuild, but it's more so a whole new custom design just using the chassis and taking inspiration from some of the circuits it already has. Most of the channels need fully rebuilt and new PCBs because the copper traces in some places have bubbled up so it's no longer in good completely...
  44. vjmuzik

    some trouble with a 74LS245 octal bus tranceiver...

    Not sure if you have it working or not, but you said Pin 1 of IC6 is connected to RD. You also say you have the Mega connected through Conn 4, RD is not available at Conn 4 rather it's BRD coming from IC3, could there be something there?
  45. vjmuzik

    some trouble with a 74LS245 octal bus tranceiver...

    I have a Trident Vector 432, a very nice console in it's own right.
  46. vjmuzik

    some trouble with a 74LS245 octal bus tranceiver...

    This is an interesting project, I have a similar situation with a console from the early 90s that has something similar to this and I would be doing the same thing you are if I wasn't planning on completely rebuilding the whole console. My system does have partial MIDI support though, I say...
  47. vjmuzik

    Anyone else seeing MacBook Air hard crash when using a Teensy 4?

    Recently I've done a little bit more coding Teensy wise than before and I've had a handful of very hard crashes in the sense that the system just locks up/freezes and nothing can be done besides holding the power button and turning back on. In this case no crash report is even generated nor does...
  48. vjmuzik

    NativeEthernet stalling with dropped packets

    Quick note about client.close() originally I didn't have it and client.stop() behaved in a similar manner to yours does and it did work 99% of the time. After a bit of searching I found that when the server sends a response with "Connection: close" it should immediately close the transmitting...
  49. vjmuzik

    400 Bad Request while posting to InfluxDB with NativeEthernet

    Don't go by version numbers alone, I'm not the best at changing those, I just tried connecting here and it didn't time out. Though it does spew a ton of error messages because of other issues, the public version of NativeEthernet is a mess. You should try to switch to shawn's QNEthernet...
  50. vjmuzik

    400 Bad Request while posting to InfluxDB with NativeEthernet

    Make sure you update FNET to the latest version, there was a problem with DNS not resolving aliases and it sounds like that may be the issue now.