10Dof IMU Teensy I2c

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Well-known member
Apologies for any obvious questions or resources I might have missed

I'm using a pair of Teensy 3.0, ADXL335 accelerometers and 10 flex sensors in 2 gloves to control MIDI

I initially had ideas for alternative sensors but I'm satisfied with what I can achieved with motion and flex

I just need more accuracy! I'm ready to make a jump to an IMU and I found this on ebay


Looks good but I have no idea how to implement something like this, I've read up on I2c I admit I could do with more time really getting my head around it.

But I'm still in the dark how I read all these values and integrate them to achieve more motion accuracy to what I already have.

Can anyone point me in the direction of guides assuming I have limited knowledge of I2c?

I'm determined to get my head around this, I'm working with simple code and I need to do more complex stuff.
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