Hiya, as an alternative: out of curiosity, I recently got a 7in crowpanel HMI touchscreen display, which is controlled by built-in esp32 chip that can be programmed with the arduino IDE. Just playing with it atm, but essentially I want to eventually use it as an additional screen for the teensy 4.1. Loaded some test code into the display fairly easily, and can send info to control the HMI display over tx/rx pins. Heres a pic of it just wired rx/tx pins to a teensy 4.1, which also has an ILI9341 display. Have to unplug the tx/rx when uploading code to the HMI, though. Might be an alternative - loading alternative fonts on the HMI is straightforwards enough - on the test display I used a converted garamond font, as is loading bitmaps from the built-in SD card. Sprite functions make the screen pretty responsive. Offloading some of the graphics functions externally will hopefully save me some chunks of code and headaches
Pretty cheap for what they are, bought mine on aliexpress. Seem to be numerous varieties of it, I got the elecrow crowpanel as it seemed to have better support and some online tutorials. Tutorials are mainly based around a HMI builder called squareline studio, but I'm just using the arduino libraries, and I just 3d printed (roughly) a bezel for mounting.