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Hello! I am working on a new kind of operating system for a multi-device distributed network. In the above pix you can see five devices: distance sensor, potentiometer, speaker, photocell, and servo. Inside each box is a Teensy 4.0, a battery pack, and a BT radio implementing a mesh network.
Each box is a standalone node: self-powered and radio connected. The network requires no installation -- the OS in each Teensy seeks out others of its kind and auto-connects into the mesh. Each box has some single device on top of it or in it, wired to the enclosed Teensy, which is preloaded with all applicable libraries for that device.
You can put the knob (potentiometer) box on your desk and the speaker box on the wall, and then from any host with BT capability (mac, pc, phone, pi, arduino, etc), issue a command like "knob.position -> speaker.frequency". Then turn the knob on your desk and hear the speaker on the wall respond in pitch. Or place the distance sensor box somewhere and the servo pointer elsewhere and do "distanceSensor -> servo.angle", and the pointer's angle in degrees will follow the sensor's output in cm. Once the command is issued into the network, the various devices will continue to run on their own, long after the issuing system is gone.
A mike, preloaded with voice recognition software could do "mike.wheneverWordHeard('abacadabra') -> speaker.beep(5 seconds) ->"! An almost infinity of devices and commands can be implemented. Each "" contacts the box with device "dev" and executes the preloaded "xxx" subroutine inside that box. A command like "dev1.xx1 -> dev2.xx2 -> dev3.xx3 -> etc" passes the output of each subroutine, across the network, to the input of the next. And you can invent and add your own subroutines.
After prototyping, the plan is to shrink these boxes to the size of a single small chip, which can then be placed INSIDE each device rather than in a big box beneath it. Then we will have a network of very smart components, with which to build larger projects. No software, no wiring, and a simple interface.
To watch a short video demonstration of the current (working!) system, see here: File Clerk/WizdomResearch/TheBook/Addenda/The Z project/Video/live demo.mp4
For more complete documentation on the system go to my website, and click "The Z-project".
My question for you now is: am I going in the right direction? Is this a product that is needed and wanted? Your opinions are solicited.
Thanks in advance, Steven Swift.
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