Here are 5 things that are absolutely certain about Teensy++ 3.x:
- ARM Cortex-M4F (Floating Point Unit)
- Under $30
- More I/O pins
- More serial & SPI ports
- More memory
Those are all good things. I see that some of the K2x chips have up to six UARTS, 3 SPI and 2 I2C. Some have dual 12-bit DAC as well.
FPU is particularly exciting. Question about that: if there is hardware single-precision FPU, does that provide any benefit for double-precision floats or do they fall back on a software-only implementation?
I'm guessing that the recent work to support higher clock speeds like 120MHz and so on will pay off for the new board as well.
Is it fair to say that 5V tolerance (like Teensy 3.1), I2S, and high accuracy low drift 5ppm or better crystal (like all current Teensies) are also certain? I'm mentioning the last one in the hope that doesn't get downgraded because no-one appreciates it.
I'm leaning towards a 48 pin form factor, with an extra 3.3V & GND pair.
OK so one pair of pins longer than Tensy++ 2.0.
I'm still debating whether AREF should be brought to the outside breadboard-friendly edges. Likewise, I'm considering whether the to bring out some analog-only pins (like A10 & A11 on Teensy 3.1), which offer perhaps lower noise and differential analog signal input, but they can't be used for digital.
Making AREF easier to get at makes it more likely that it will be used; either bringing it out to use as a reference for other circuitry or bringing in an external AREF.
Having lower-noise differential inputs easily available is also a definite plus. I can see that you might be concerned that on all Arduino boards to date, its true that "any analog pin can also be used as digital I/O" but I think clear documentation on the pin-out card would go a long way to eliminating any confusion there. So I would encourage doing both the external AREF and the external analog-only differential pins. As you say, Teensy 3.1 already has those, just not on the outside. I haven't seen anyone be confused by this (but being harder to get to, less people use them).
I can also see that you might want to put those in the exact same place as Teensy 3.1 for compatibility, though.
Fair enough. It would be good to have that far away from the best analog input pins, since digital breakthrough on analog pins due to SD card use has been reported in these forums.I'll very likely put a Micro SD card socket on the end of the board. The "large" applications where you use such a powerful microcontroller often need storage, so that seems like a good use of the extra space (from making the board longer). But perhaps that extra room could be more useful as lots of through-hole pads for extra digital signals? In theory, you could always add an adaptor for storage, but my gut feeling is in practice many applications use storage media.
On the other hand a cluster of pins could be used for minute shield-like add-ons (similar to the 10-DOF accelerometer and gyro one) where one option would be a micro SD add-on.
Talking of pins, I assume the pinout will be such that the existing Audio board would fit right on without modification? Which means the relative positions of those pins that the Audio board actually uses would remain constant.
Also, while I'm spilling rumors, PJRC is working on a lower cost Teensy 3.x based on an ARM Cortex-M0+ chip. It will feature similar I/O and peripherals as Teensy 3.1 (except the bottom pins), with less memory and a slower processor, but a retail price in the $12 to $14 range.
That would be very welcome and would address the sort of application that $10 Arduino Pro Mini or ATTiny84-based boards currently cover. It also makes easier multi-MCU projects with a Teensy 3.1 master and one or more smaller, lower cost slave MCUs (perhaps communicating over I2C) where Teensy 2.0 is the current obvious choice but needs 5V to 3V3 I2C-safe logic conversion.
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