Any Chance of a Teensy ++ 3.1?

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I don't recall him ever giving a time table.

I know, Paul answered the question, but to comment your statement, I would say that following this and other threads one can indeed distill a rough intended timeframe. I'm not after a release date, but I was only curious if Paul's plan are turning out as intended (+- a couple of month).
Faced with the choice between adding lots of extra support logic, or finding some way to access the tiny pads on the back of the Teensy 3.1/3.2, I finally decided to do something about it.

So first, I got a bunch of magnet wire and some protoboard and made this mess:
megsy mostly wired.jpg

Unfortunately, in the process of making it I somehow bridged a couple of pins inside making it slightly less useful. Also, doing that was a huge pain in the ass.

So I spent an evening in the CAD software and came up with this board:
Megsy Circuit Board.jpg

I know this has been done before by other people, but I think my design is just a wee bit more compact and hopefully easier to assemble.

The idea is a kind of "poor man's BGA", where you assemble it by tinning the pads on the teensy and on this board, use the edge headers to align the two boards and then squish them together and melt the solder on the pads by applying heat to the vias on the bottom of the board.

A couple of nice things: I added a reset button on the "extra pads" side so that if you are covering the Teensy with a shield (or cape or whatever the Audio Board is called) you now have a way to reset your board again. I also added an optional pin for it, which you could attach to the bottom or top of the board as you desire.
I've also put nice labels on the silkscreen noting not just the pin number, but also certain functions like Analog and I2C, etc.

I haven't actually sent out for them yet to see if it will work. I thought, before I do, I should see if an official Teensy 3++ is imminent. If we are less than a month out, I'll just wait and all I've lost is a few evening's work. Otherwise, I'll spend the $40 and build some of these.

I made a Hackaday project for this under the cheeky title of "Megsy":

So, should I order them, or is Teensy 3++ or 4 or whatever imminent?
That's great! I don't know if I could handle the surface mount soldering tho. I wonder how soon the pre-made one will be...
That's great! I don't know if I could handle the surface mount soldering tho. I wonder how soon the pre-made one will be...

I doubt there will be one. Youtube is your friend. I have successfully soldered .5mm pitch QFNs with no training, just trial and error. There aren't even any leadless packages on there. You just need patience and lots of the GOOD desoldering braid (not the cheap shit).
@SoftEgg - Have you seen this OSH contribution? Teensy 3.2 Breakout Board R3

It has the bottom routed out to give better solder access to the pads - should help prevent the unfixable bridging. I got some that look good - but not needed any yet. I've used FrankB's simple connector board that solders similarly (except the cut is reversed) - it brings out the bottom pads - but not breadboard friendly - you could make a simple second board to adapt end to end and bring the inner 10 pins out to the edges though.
Cortex 4 play with the Freescale FRDM-K64F?

I'm thinking of playing with mbed cortex-M4F (MK64FN1M0VLL12),
same family as MK66FX1M0. One could build some tests with the "modest" mbed libraries, but maybe if teensyduino had a 120 MHz build option for the MK66FX1M0, then one could drag-and-drop the teensy bin onto the mbed K64F ...

I ordered that board yesterday and got it today :) I need the additional RAM for a project (I'll port that back to Teensy when T3++ is available..)

Manitou, is there any chance to get that board running with Teensyduino ?
I ordered that board yesterday and got it today :) I need the additional RAM for a project (I'll port that back to Teensy when T3++ is available..)

Manitou, is there any chance to get that board running with Teensyduino ?

I don't know enough to answer that. The teensy core has conditional code for __MK64FX512__ and there is a linker mk64fx512.ld file, but I don't think boards.txt is configured for the K64F. BUT even if you could get teenysduino to create a .hex, I don't know if you could get a .bin from the build that would work when dropped onto the MBED USB file system.

I've had good luck converting various sketches and libraries from teensy to compile/run on the mbed K64F. The symbolic names for the hardware registers are slightly different, so editing is required. printf is nice, but you have to replace all those Serial.print's. As noted, i've been updating post #411 in this thread with my K64F experiences.

it would be nice to just use teensyduino, but Paul might have to work some magic, and he probably has better things to do.
Attached is my Makefile system that I used to play with a FRDM-MK64

Feel free to play with it or merge with Teensyduino

I did not use it for a while, so I don't know if there are issues with the code.


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Hm, simply editing the platform, boards and ld seems not to be enough..or i have a bug somewhere..
I can create bin-files now, but they do not work for the FRDM :confused:
My minimal sketch:
void setup() {
 GPIOB_PDDR = (1<<21);
 GPIOB_PSOR = (1<<21);
void loop() {}

I use -D__MK64FX512__
Hm, simply editing the platform, boards and ld seems not to be enough..or i have a bug somewhere..
I can create bin-files now, but they do not work for the FRDM :confused:
My minimal sketch:
void setup() {
 GPIOB_PDDR = (1<<21);
 GPIOB_PSOR = (1<<21);
void loop() {}

I use -D__MK64FX512__

How do you provide -D__MK64FX512__ to teensyduino IDE ?
I was thinking of hacking boards.txt and copying in the mk64fx512.ld (i'm looking at 1.6.7 IDE).

it could be you need to enable clock/power for PORTB.

It could be messier. though __MK64FX512__ is defined and used in some of the core files, it may not be used in all of the core files. Also I was thinking that the libmath stuff and such need to be built with floating-point hardware switches (same for default teensyduino build).
I'm curious - can one put a small (say 1" round) solar cell on such a device and run forever in typical room lighting?
Depends on the power output from the solar cell and how you choose to configure the MCU, but the STM32L4 has a wide variety of low power modes and I would think you could easily get average power usage down to 1 mAH or less. I guess you'd just have to try it.
We're alpha testing the Arduino core for this.

Oooh neat. Floating point core would be super nice for sensor fusion. Not surprised you're looking into it ;)

In fact, that sounds like it'd be perfect for the project I'm working on now - I might pick one of these up for experimenting with the CAN controller and SD card driver.
Yes, with the MPU9250 and the asynchronous I2C we get 21 kHz for the sensor fusion rate at 80 MHz MCU clock using the Madgwick open-source algorithm. This compares to ~2 Khz for the ESP8266 at 80 MHz and ~3 kHz for the Teensy 3.2 at 72 MHz.

Not that anyone really needs this rate, but it means you can comfortably run the accel and gyro rates at 1 kHz or even higher and still reach a good orientation estimation.

And we measured the STM32L4 using one-seventh the current of the Teensy 3.2 for the same simple loop (not the fusion program, although results would probably be similar).

I use the EM7180 everywhere I can, but the STM32L4 is a wonderful tool...
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