My HW developing career just downfall at the first project 
I plugged USB cable to this Tennsy 4.0 before and it's blink example just ran nicely. After I plugged to this bread-board circuit it blinks never ever, Windows not detected anymore and 0V on Pin #26, 3.3V (250 mA max)
Can I try to fix this little power guy? (of course I not shorted 5V USB with GND as on the 'plan' - I soldered a hole to 5V USB in reality (also I did not shortened lowest rows pins, only Pin#15 SCK is used on teensy))
Need to invest into thousands of $ for an ESD workstation?
I having another Teensy, a 3.2 which sometimes works, sometimes it did'nt. Once produced a weak smog and then I can't reprogram, USB not detects it.
I tried to push button for 15 s after USB connect - nothing. Red LED not light up.
Is something wrong whit this circuit (?) - why Teensy died?
Any help is much appreciated!!!
I plugged USB cable to this Tennsy 4.0 before and it's blink example just ran nicely. After I plugged to this bread-board circuit it blinks never ever, Windows not detected anymore and 0V on Pin #26, 3.3V (250 mA max)
Can I try to fix this little power guy? (of course I not shorted 5V USB with GND as on the 'plan' - I soldered a hole to 5V USB in reality (also I did not shortened lowest rows pins, only Pin#15 SCK is used on teensy))
Need to invest into thousands of $ for an ESD workstation?
I having another Teensy, a 3.2 which sometimes works, sometimes it did'nt. Once produced a weak smog and then I can't reprogram, USB not detects it.
I tried to push button for 15 s after USB connect - nothing. Red LED not light up.
Is something wrong whit this circuit (?) - why Teensy died?
Any help is much appreciated!!!