Hi all,
I've been browsing the store and am itching to buy a Teensy. But I want to get some guidance on a project idea before I go buying parts I don't need.
I want to create a wall-sized audio spectrum analyzer. I'll be something much bigger than the picture above, that I'll hang on my wall. I am thinking 60x32 = 1920 LEDs. In order to do this, I need to analyze audio live and drive all these LEDs at the same time. That led me to Teensy controllers. I don't know how fast of a microcontroller I need, but I figured Teensy 3.6 is plenty fast with it's 180Mhz clock rate and floating point arithmetic unit. The audio library provided will help with the audio analyzing.
Now I have to decide on which addressible LEDs to use. I bought 1 strip of WS2811 to test out, but then learned that they are slow at 400Hz and are very stringent with timing. This may not be ideal if I plan on processing audio at the same time. SPI LEDs on the other hand are not limited by timing or speed, so it sounds like that's the way to go.
Then there's the power issue. 1920 LEDs all lit up at max brightness will draw over 100A. That's insane - the breaker will trip way before then. So I'll have to limit the brightness based upon the amount of LEDs that are lit up.
Here are my questions:
Am I right on my assumptions (Teensy 3.6 is good, SPI chipset LEDs are the way to go, power won't be an issue if adjust brightness)?
What's the best way to multiplex the 32 columns? Or would it be better to daisy-chain the columns?
Which LED strip should I buy?
The SPI LED's I've seen are 5V. I understand 5V to power them, but do the RGB data bits have to transfer at 5V too? The Teensy 3.6 is only 3.3V out.
Would this be something you'd be interested in seeing a build log?
And finally, any recommendations would greatly by appreciated. I haven't see anyone do this before, so I feel like I am missing something.