I'm going through the audio tutorial for the teensy 3.2 + Audio board I'm up to part 2-2 'Mixers & Playing Multiple Sounds' and I notice the use of gain and mention of clipping but it doesn't really make sense to me, I understand clipping to be when the audio signal goes above 0db generally but with the examples so far I'm not seeing any mention of levels at all just advice to make sure that you don't set the gain above 1.0, what am I missing?
The info summary for mixers makes sense but contradicts the gain/clipping advice and says it amplifies above 1.0, obviously the wave files could already be mixed down to 0db which would make the advice in the tutorial make sense.
The info summary for mixers makes sense but contradicts the gain/clipping advice and says it amplifies above 1.0, obviously the wave files could already be mixed down to 0db which would make the advice in the tutorial make sense.