First i'd like to say, this library is really cool!
here's a link to the github (in case you haven't seen it)
But I have a couple of questions regarding the AudioEffectsDelayStereo_F32.
1st question: why in time() does it square "t"?
This seems to make the scaled time incorrect. That is, if you have max delay set to 1000 ms, and you set t to 0.5 you get about 250 instead of 500ms.
2nd question: can you point me in the right direction on how I might edit the delay so that I could turn off the ping pong and just have it delay each channel separately, applying the other features to each channel separately. I'd like to add a function to do this, but i can't quite follow what the ping pong code does.
@Pio I guess this post is really directed towards you, but maybe someone else has experience with this.
here's a link to the github (in case you haven't seen it)
But I have a couple of questions regarding the AudioEffectsDelayStereo_F32.
1st question: why in time() does it square "t"?
void time(float t, bool force = false)
t = constrain(t, 0.0f, 1.0f);
t = t * t;
t = map(t, 0.0f, 1.0f, (float32_t)(dly_length-dly_time_min), 0.0f);
if (force) dly_time = t;
dly_time_set = t;
This seems to make the scaled time incorrect. That is, if you have max delay set to 1000 ms, and you set t to 0.5 you get about 250 instead of 500ms.
2nd question: can you point me in the right direction on how I might edit the delay so that I could turn off the ping pong and just have it delay each channel separately, applying the other features to each channel separately. I'd like to add a function to do this, but i can't quite follow what the ping pong code does.
@Pio I guess this post is really directed towards you, but maybe someone else has experience with this.