AudioInputI2SHex hardware question (hex guitar pickup)


Active member
Hi, I'm trying to build a guitar where each string can have effects applied separately using a Teensy 4.1 and the audio library. I've got a divided guitar pickup (a modified Roland GK-3) which I want to connect to a custom PCB with a Teensy 4.1 inside the the guitar body. There will also be some TL07X preamps for the pickup signals. Just wanted to check I'm not doing anything stupid before I go further!

I did a breadboard test today with three audio adaptor boards, using an AudioInputI2SHex object for 6 inputs and an AudioOutputI2SQuad object for 4 outputs (won't need that many but just wanted to see if it worked). I got some occasional noise and glitchiness, which I'm assuming is because I'm using long-ish jumper wires and a breadboard, but everything seemed to work (I could map any of the 6 inputs to any of the 4 outputs).

My question is: since the audio adaptor boards only have two possible I2C addresses, I decided to just declare one SGTL5000 object in my code and run all three boards on the same I2C address. It seemed to work, but is this a bad idea..? And is this setup the simplest way to get six audio inputs to the Teensy, or is there a better way?

Any advice appreciated :)
Well if you only want to command the SGTL5000's alike, they can be shared like this as they will all respond alike and not clash the bus...