It would be great to have a nice measurement on the unit Ivano. Parts are posted and I understand Ivano alo has other projects unfinished. I just hope that your curiosity will make you build this detector soon.
I only used the SPU0410LR5H-QB microphone and did a few tests with the ICS-40730, this ICS microphone seems to be loved for the good signal to noise ratio. I mainly found a big hole near 40-55khz depending on the way it was mounted so I do not use it anymore.
The microphone mount that suits me best is a shallow cone that reduces the wall thickness of the case to 0mm where the microphone acoustic port is. Deep holes or narrow cones seems to distrurb the recordings. For simply using as bat detector that will also work fine but for clean recordings the shallow cone and a good seal between microphone and the housing is best.
Specially the seal is important and use low gain settings close to the bats give good recording results.
The sensitivity of the SPU0410LR5H-QB seems to have been described by knowles up to 80kHz, the curve does not quite follow the line described by you Ivano, but I know a lot depends on the way the microphone is mounted.
Because the sensitivity tends to fall on higher frequencies, the ampliefier circuit in the detector was designed to counteract that effect. The image is from knowles but I added the red line, the red line is just about the gain of the amplifier. You can see the amplifier helps to amplify the higher frequencies more than than the lower frequencies. (it also attenuates the lower frequencies)
I know this does not give perfect results but it well help to get closer to a flat response.
I hope you can provide some information on how well or how bad the frequency response is. If you turn up the microphone gain you can clearly see the "bump" in the graph around 23kHz. That one is hard to get out but I have not found that to be a problem in my recordings. One will not suddenly see other species in the spectrograms. Using the highpass filter in the software can help reduce the 23khz bump.
To illustrate how my recordings look I have this picture with two parts of recordings showing a pipistrellus and myotis. (no filtering or cleaning afterwards)
I also might want to try the FG-23629 element or Momimic, but I think it is wise to wait what results you get Ivano.
If the FG-23629 has a good flat response we might want to change the amplifier.
C1 (4.7nF) and C3 (15nF) should both be at least 100nF to give the same gain over the whole ultrasonic range. (for low frequency sounds 1000nF is recommended)
I guess the Momimic on your website could be used directly connected to the mic-in of the teensy audio board so one does not even need the TL972 amplifier circuit at all.
Kind regards,