Looks interesting. Please let me know how the Teensy fits in it.
Unfortunately, it is slightly the wrong size for many of the breadboards and prototype boards that are big enough for the Teensy 4.1. The problem is the 4 columns where the screws attach eliminate boards.
I tried a normal 30 row breadboard. If it had 26 or mabye 27-28 rows, it would fit. On many of the breadboards, you can remove the power/ground rows, and it would likely fit if you remove both sides, and likely fit if you only remove one side. If they had breadboards where there were the normal power/ground rails for all rows, except the first 4 rows and last 4 rows, it would fit.
I tried the Adafruit half size (30 row) perma-proto board, and it would not fit. However, you can angle the board a little and it will barely fit in. I suspect you would not be able to attach a USB cable to the Teensy unless you move the Teensy to row 6 to allow the USB cable to be mounted. Like the breadboard, if the power/ground rails were missing for the first 4 pins or so, it would work. Or if there were fewer columns, so the board was thinner, it might fit (of course you do need 7 columns for the Teensy).
I tried the Adafruit mint tin (30 row) perma-proto and it will not fit in.
I have a bunch of the long prototyping boards with mounting tabs that is perfect for the Teensy 4.1 (24 rows of pins in the main part, plus 12 rows of pins on each end, and the mounting tab projects a little bit further. The width of the board (1.2") is thin enough that it isn't a problem for the screw columns. The only problem with this board is the seller has been taking a break now for a couple of months.
The various boards that are appropriate for a Teensy 4.0 will fit fine. These boards include:
I don't own this prototype board, but it might fit (note, it is only single sided, not double sided):
The SmartMatrix SmartLed shield for Teensy 4 will fit. Now is sized for the Teensy 4.0, so the last 20 pins will not be connected. The board has mounting tabs, and 2 of the tabs line up with the mounting screw holes (not the screws for mounting the top), but the remaining 2 tab holes are not over the other screw hole: