* Code by Insert Coin
* V1.01 February 2022
* Code is an enhanced version of Noel McCullagh's code (see https://www.noelmccullagh.com)
* which he based on Taras' code at http://rr-m.org
* So thank you both :-)
* Enhancements:
* - supports hot swapping of Thrustmaster R383, F1 and Ferrari 599xx wheels
* - all buttons are working
* - button numbering is the same as when the wheels are on a Thrustmaster base
* (paddles are always buttons 1 and 2 for example)
* V1.01 October 2022: tiny bug fixed, 'button pressed' was sent continuously over USB as long as
* a button was pressed (telling 'button pressed' once is enough)
* On Arduino Pro Micro side it must be connected as follows:
* ----___----
* / 6 [ ] 5 \
* | [_] | (as seen from the female front of the connector)
* | 4 3 |
* \___ ___/
* |2 1|
* \_____/
* 1 -> not used (or can be connected to arduino MOSI pin 16)
* 2 Green - GND -> Arduino Pro Micro GND pin
* 3 White - MISO -> Arduino Pro Micro pin 14
* 4 Yellow - SS -> Arduino Pro Micro pin 7
* 5 Black - SCK -> Arduino Pro Micro pin 15
* 6 Red - +VCC -> Arduino +5V pin (or RAW if USB current is +5V already)
* Wheels and official Thrustmaster button numbers:
* R383 wheel F1 wheel Ferrari 599xx
* ---------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------
* Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1
* 7 - constant 0 7 - DRS (5) (yes, odd) 7 - constant 1
* 6 - constant 0 6 - constant 0 6 - constant 0
* 5 - constant 1 5 - constant 1 5 - constant 1
* 4 - constant 1 4 - constant 1 4 - left paddle (1)
* 3 - constant 0 3 - left paddle (1) 3 - right paddle (2)
* 2 - constant 1 2 - right paddle (2) 2 - PIT (blue upper left) (3)
* 1 - constant 0 1 - N (3) 1 - WASH (blue down left) (4)
* 0 - bottom right yellow (6) 0 - PIT (4) 0 - RADIO (blue upper right) (5)
* Byte 2 Byte 2 Byte 2
* 7 - right paddle (2) 7 - START (13) 7 - black down left (6)
* 6 - top right black (5) 6 - 10+ (6) 6 - MAIN left (7)
* 5 - top right red (9) 5 - B0 (7) 5 - MAIN right (8)
* 4 - constant 0 4 - WET (8) 4 - SCROLL (red upper right) (9)
* 3 - bottom left red (7) 3 - PL (9) 3 - FLASH (red upper left) (10)
* 2 - bottom right white (13) 2 - K (10) 2 - constant 0
* 1 - bottom right red (8) 1 - PUMP (11) 1 - constant -
* 0 - constant 0 0 - 1- (12) 0 - MAIN pushed in (13)
* Byte 3 Byte 3 Byte 3
* 7 - bottom left yellow (3) 7 - right Dpad up (18) 7 - Dpad down
* 6 - top left red (10) 6 - left Dpad down 6 - Dpad right
* 5 - Dpad left 5 - left Dpad right 5 - Dpad left
* 4 - Dpad up 4 - left Dpad left 4 - Dpad up
* 3 - Dpad right 3 - left Dpad up 3 - constant 0
* 2 - Dpad down 2 - right Dpad down (19) 2 - constant 0
* 1 - bottom left yellow (4) 1 - right Dpad right (20) 1 - constant 0
* 0 - left paddle 0 - right Dpad left (21) 0 - constant 0
* Byte 4 Byte 4
* 7 - 1 when Dpad pressed 7 -
* 6 - 1 when Dpad pressed 6 - CHRG down (16)
* 5 - 1 when Dpad pressed 5 - DIF IN up (14)
* 4 - 1 when Dpad pressed 4 - DIF IN down (15)
* 3 - 1 when Dpad pressed 3 - CHRG up (17)
* 2 - 1 when Dpad pressed 2 -
* 1 - 1 when Dpad pressed 1 -
* 0 - 1 when Dpad pressed 0 -
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Joystick.h>
const int slaveSelectPin = 10;
byte pos[] = {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01};
byte currBytes[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
byte prevBytes[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
int wheelbyte, fourthbyte, fifthbyte, wheelID;
bool btnState, joyBtnState, prevJoyBtnState, buttonsreset, wheelIdentified;
const bool debugging = false; // Set to true to see wheel bits debug messages on the com port
int bit2btn[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; // working array of buttons
int F599Btn[] = {-1,-1,-1,0,1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,9,-1,-1,12, 33,32,34,31,-1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; // button numbers 599xx wheel
int R383Btn[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,5, 1,4,8,-1,6,12,7,-1, 2,9,34,31,32,33,3,0, -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; // button numbers R383 wheel
int F1Btn[] = {4,-1,-1,-1,0,1,2,3, 12,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 17,33,32,34,31,18,19,20, -1,15,13,14,16,-1,-1,-1}; // button numbers F1 wheel
void setup() {
//input from wheel
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(40000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
pinMode(slaveSelectPin, OUTPUT);
//output to joystick
// print byte as binary, zero padded if needed
// "127" -> "01111111"
void printBinary(byte data) {
for(int i=7; i>0; i--) {
if (data >> i == 0) {
} else {
Serial.print(" ");
void loop() {
// tell the wheel, that we are ready to read the data now
digitalWrite(slaveSelectPin, LOW);
// the chips in the wheel need some time to wake up
//read the wheel's 5 bytes
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
currBytes[i] = ~SPI.transfer(0x00);
// release the wheel
digitalWrite(slaveSelectPin, HIGH);
if (debugging) {
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
// Check for sane input: is the wheel plugged in?
// Unplugged: first byte has all bits set or unset
// When plugged in F1 and Ferrari 599xx wheel has bits 7, 6, 5 set as 101 (160 dec)
// Sparco R383 has bits 7, 6, 5 set as 001 (32 dec)
wheelbyte = currBytes[0] & B11100000;
fourthbyte = currBytes[3] & B00100000;
fifthbyte = currBytes[4] & B00001111;
buttonsreset = false;
while ((wheelbyte != 192) and (wheelbyte != 160) and (wheelbyte != 32)) { // unknown wheel or wheel unplugged
wheelIdentified = false;
// Reset all buttons to avoid stuck buttons when unplugged
if (buttonsreset == false) {
for(int b=0; b<21; b++) // one button at a time
buttonsreset = true; // do it just once
if (debugging) Serial.println("Wheel not plugged in, waiting...");
// tell the wheel, that we are ready to read the data now
digitalWrite(slaveSelectPin, LOW);
// the chips in the wheel need some time to wake up
// read the wheel's 5 bytes
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
currBytes[i] = ~SPI.transfer(0x00);
// release the wheel
digitalWrite(slaveSelectPin, HIGH);
if (debugging) for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
if (debugging) Serial.println();
wheelbyte = currBytes[0] & B11100000; // same as above, for identifying the wheel below
fourthbyte = currBytes[3] & B00100000;
fifthbyte = currBytes[4] & B00001111;
// Still no sane input? Wait...
if ((wheelbyte != 192) and (wheelbyte != 160) and (wheelbyte != 32)) {
if (wheelIdentified == false) {
if ((wheelbyte == 160) and (fifthbyte == 0)) {
wheelID = 2; // Ferrari 599xx wheel
memcpy(bit2btn,F599Btn,sizeof(F599Btn)); // button numbers 599xx wheel to working array
wheelIdentified = true;
} else if (wheelbyte == 32) {
if (((fourthbyte == 0) and (fifthbyte == 0)) or ((currBytes[3] == 255) and (currBytes[4] == 255))) {
wheelID = 3; // Sparco R383 connected
memcpy(bit2btn,R383Btn,sizeof(R383Btn)); // button numbers R383 wheel to working array
wheelIdentified = true;
} else if ((wheelbyte == 32) and (fifthbyte == 15)) { // F1 wheel sets last four bits of byte 5 as 1, 599xx wheel sets byte 5 as zero
wheelID = 1; // F1 wheel connected
memcpy(bit2btn,F1Btn,sizeof(F1Btn)); // button numbers F1 wheel to working array
wheelIdentified = true;
if (debugging) {
// deal with the buttons first
if (wheelIdentified)
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) //process the four bytes
for(int b=0; b<8; b++) //one bit at a time
if((currBytes[i] & pos[b])!=(prevBytes[i] & pos[b])) { // if the buttonstate has changed
btnState=currBytes[i] & pos[b];
if ((bit2btn[(i*8)+b] >= 31) and (bit2btn[(i*8)+b] <= 34)) { // hatswitch (Dpad) pressed?
if (btnState == 0) // button released?
Joystick.button(13, joyBtnState); // send the update
if ((wheelIdentified) and (wheelID == 3)) { // only for R383 wheel
joyBtnState = (currBytes[3] & pos[0]) && !(currBytes[2] & 0x3c); // if hatswitch is pressed in the middle
if (joyBtnState != prevJoyBtnState)
Joystick.button(13, joyBtnState); // press button 14
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
prevBytes[i] = currBytes[i]; // finally update the just read input to the the previous input for the next cycle
prevJoyBtnState = joyBtnState;