/* RA8876_Config.h
A file to place user defines and configs.
#ifndef RA8876_CONFIG_H
#define RA8876_CONFIG_H
// Hardware defines
#define RA8876_8080_CS 53
#define RA8876_8080_RESET 54
#define RA8876_8080_DC 55
#define RA8876_D0 40
#define BACKLITE 29
#define RA8876_RD 52 // FlexIO3:10: RD
#define RA8876_WR 56 // FlexIO3:11 WR
#define USE_8080_8_BIT_MODE 8
#define USE_8080_16_BIT_MODE 16
#define BUS_SPEED 20 //Available settings 2,4,8,12,20,24,30,40,60,120
#if 0
#define RA8876_8080_CS 11
#define RA8876_8080_DC 13
#define RA8876_8080_RESET 12
#define RA8876_WR 53
#define RA8876_RD 52
#define RA8876_D0 40
// DB5 Shield
//#define RA8876_8080_CS 11
//#define RA8876_8080_DC 13
//#define RA8876_8080_RESET 12
#define BUS_SPEED 20 //Available settings 2,4,8,12,20,24,30,40,60,120
//External backlight control connected to this Arduino pin
//#define BACKLITE 5
// #define BACKLITE 29
// Uncomment to use FT5206 touch.
#define USE_FT5206_TOUCH
#endif // RA8876_CONFIG_H