Hey All,
I have been trying to figure out my problem for hours today and have come up with nothing.
I can no longer upload to my Teensy 4.1 from platform IO and can't open the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE. I can INTERMITTENTLY upload via the Arduino IDE, however.
The problem started after the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor froze and went black. I had to "end task" to close the IDE. Ever since I have had this issue.
I have reinstalled Teensyduino and the Arduino IDE. I have tried different USB cables and ports. I have tried uploading code that I know works. I have tried different Teensy 4.1s. It may be worth noting that the code does upload from my laptop (so the boards are fine), but I'm not about to fold and stop using my desktop.
- In PIO, I get stuck at "uploading .PIO\build\teensy41\firmware.hex" and then after several minutes it states "Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode."
- In the Arduino IDE, under "ports" it only ever says "COM7..." and doesn't change if I change ports. Previously this changed whenever changing the USB port the board was plugged into.
- In the Arduino IDE, it hangs at "uploading." IF the upload was successful and I try to open the Serial Monitor, it states "Board at usb:80000/1/0/6/2 is not available."
- In the Windows "device manager" it used to say "Teensy USB Serial (COM...)" and this is no longer present, it just says USB Serial Device (COM....).
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've used up too much of my weekend trying to figure this out; I hoped to have made a lot of progress this weekend on my project... :/
I have been trying to figure out my problem for hours today and have come up with nothing.
I can no longer upload to my Teensy 4.1 from platform IO and can't open the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE. I can INTERMITTENTLY upload via the Arduino IDE, however.
The problem started after the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor froze and went black. I had to "end task" to close the IDE. Ever since I have had this issue.
I have reinstalled Teensyduino and the Arduino IDE. I have tried different USB cables and ports. I have tried uploading code that I know works. I have tried different Teensy 4.1s. It may be worth noting that the code does upload from my laptop (so the boards are fine), but I'm not about to fold and stop using my desktop.
- In PIO, I get stuck at "uploading .PIO\build\teensy41\firmware.hex" and then after several minutes it states "Teensy did not respond to a USB-based request to enter program mode."
- In the Arduino IDE, under "ports" it only ever says "COM7..." and doesn't change if I change ports. Previously this changed whenever changing the USB port the board was plugged into.
- In the Arduino IDE, it hangs at "uploading." IF the upload was successful and I try to open the Serial Monitor, it states "Board at usb:80000/1/0/6/2 is not available."
- In the Windows "device manager" it used to say "Teensy USB Serial (COM...)" and this is no longer present, it just says USB Serial Device (COM....).
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I've used up too much of my weekend trying to figure this out; I hoped to have made a lot of progress this weekend on my project... :/