Hi! I am trying to learn how to set and use interrupt routines in the Teensy-LC (specifcally, ftm0_isr()). I would like to try disabling interrupts completely (for the sake of learning). I set up the FTM0 to interrupt and execute the ftm0_isr routine, but when I call __disable_irq(), the ISR still happens. Is there something I am doing wrong or not understanding about __disable_irq()?
I am using Teensyduino 1.22 with Arduino 1.6.3. The code below should set up the FTM0 ISR to flash the LED on pin 13 repeatedly, but then stop all interrupts (via __disable_irq()). However, for me, the LED continues to flash. And yes, I am doing this the hard way, because I'd like to learn more about interrupts in the Cortex-M0+
I am using Teensyduino 1.22 with Arduino 1.6.3. The code below should set up the FTM0 ISR to flash the LED on pin 13 repeatedly, but then stop all interrupts (via __disable_irq()). However, for me, the LED continues to flash. And yes, I am doing this the hard way, because I'd like to learn more about interrupts in the Cortex-M0+
// Page numbers refer to the KL26 datasheet
const uint8_t LED_PIN = 13;
volatile uint8_t led = 0;
void setup() {
// Set up the LED and set it low initially
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led);
// The order of setting the TPMx_SC, TPMx_CNT, and TPMx_MOD
// seems to matter. You must clear _SC, set _CNT to 0, set _MOD
// to the desired value, then you can set the bit fields in _SC.
// Clear TPM0_SC register (p. 572)
FTM0_SC = 0;
// Reset the TPM0_CNT counter (p. 574)
FTM0_CNT = 0;
// Set overflow value (modulo) (p.574)
// Set TPM0_SC register (p. 572)
// Bits | Va1ue | Description
// 8 | 0 | DMA: Disable DMA
// 7 | 1 | TOF: Clear Timer Overflow Flag
// 6 | 1 | TOIE: Enable Timer Overflow Interrupt
// 5 | 0 | CPWMS: TPM in up counting mode
// 4-3 | 01 | CMOD: Counter incrememnts every TPM clock
// 2-0 | 111 | PS: Prescale = 128
FTM0_SC = 0b011001111;
// Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC) (p. 57)
// Also: Chapter 4.2 of the Generic User Guide
// Our FTM0 interrupt number is 17 (as per kinetis.h). We can
// use that to set up our interrupt vector and priority.
// Set the urgency of the interrupt. Lower numbers mean higher
// urgency (they will happen first). Acceptable values are
// 0, 64, 128, and 192. Default is 128. We set the priority
// (2nd byte) in the register for the FTM0 interrupt (&E000_E410)
// to 64.
// Enable the interrupt vector. In this case, we want to execute
// the ISR (named "ftm0_isr()" for Teensy) every time TPM0
// overflows. We set bit 17 of &E000_E100.
// Same as: NVIC_ISER0 |= (1 << 17);
// Try disabling all interrupts. The LED should stop flashing.
void loop() {
// Do nothing
// "ftm0_isr" is an interrupt vector defined for the Teensy
void ftm0_isr(void) {
// First, we need to clear the timer and channel flags so that
// the interrupt will happen again. We can take care of the
// rest of the interrupt after that.
// Write a 1 to the TOF bit to clear the timer overflow flag
FTM0_SC |= (1 << 7);
// Write a 1 to the CHF bit to clear the channel flag
FTM0_C4SC |= (1 << 7);
// Our interrupt: Toggle the LED
led = ~led;
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led);