Hi Phil, thank you for the immense effort you have clearly out into this board and for sharing the outcome!
I’d love to implement this controller on my small CNC mill, however I can’t find stock of it anywhere. I noted the Gerber files you kindly provided and I got as far as uploading them to JLCPCB and creating the BOM file from your user manual but I have stumbled at the point of the component placement file. Am I exposing my inexperience and not recognising the file in the zip?
If it’s possible to provide/point me to a placement file I would be most grateful, and would like to make a direct donation to you to make up for not ordering through Tindie etc if you would be happy with this?
Kind regards, James
I will post a message here when I know exact timing of the first delivery. Tindie waitlist is just for notifications, orders will be fulfilled FIFO.
Is there a way to get a fully assembled setup including the Teensy and Ethernet connection?
I would rather pay a little more than worry about how good/bad my soldering skills have gotten and possibly damaging something.
At this time, unfortunately, no. A lot (most?) people don't want to assemble a kit. It definitely limits the available market for a product.
Only through hole components need to be soldered on and they are pretty resilient. You have to work at it to damage them.
That said, I am thinking about offering a fully assembled board (minus the teensy) in the future. I am seeing enough orders to make it economically viable. If you don't mind me asking, how much you think is a reasonable price increase for a fully assembled board? (minus the teensy, though).