Arduino v1.8.19 Teensyduino v1.58 WIN 10 pro
This is my first question here. I am never quick to post, always try to find solutions myself. I had bad experiences on the Keil site when I was starting in embedded using C51. Some there assume you did not and like to reply RTFM. But I digress.
I am using the 320x240 color display. The parts of my project that have to do with the display are based on the examples and therefore the libraries included with Teensyduino.
Finally my question. Why is the touch resolution 10 times the display resolution and very unstable? Is this only my experience? It appears in the second image on the PJRC product page for the color display that the x, y numbers also show instability.
Just want to say I think Teensys and Tennsyduino is good stuff.
Thank you
myukob, not a pro
This is my first question here. I am never quick to post, always try to find solutions myself. I had bad experiences on the Keil site when I was starting in embedded using C51. Some there assume you did not and like to reply RTFM. But I digress.
I am using the 320x240 color display. The parts of my project that have to do with the display are based on the examples and therefore the libraries included with Teensyduino.
Finally my question. Why is the touch resolution 10 times the display resolution and very unstable? Is this only my experience? It appears in the second image on the PJRC product page for the color display that the x, y numbers also show instability.
Just want to say I think Teensys and Tennsyduino is good stuff.
Thank you
myukob, not a pro