Hello everyone,
I know this might be a stupid question to most of you but I have no experience with microcontrollers or mulitplexers.
I have a multiplexer ADG731 and want to connect it to my Teensy 4.0. I would like to use a EAGLE schematic first.
Where can i find specifications for the pins of my teensy? Are there any rules/advices i should follow when connecting a multiplexer and teensy?
Here is a picture of the schmatic in EAGLE but i have to clue which pins to connect.
Thank you in advance!
I know this might be a stupid question to most of you but I have no experience with microcontrollers or mulitplexers.
I have a multiplexer ADG731 and want to connect it to my Teensy 4.0. I would like to use a EAGLE schematic first.
Where can i find specifications for the pins of my teensy? Are there any rules/advices i should follow when connecting a multiplexer and teensy?
Here is a picture of the schmatic in EAGLE but i have to clue which pins to connect.
Thank you in advance!