Connect Mulitplexer and Teensy 4.0


New member
Hello everyone,

I know this might be a stupid question to most of you but I have no experience with microcontrollers or mulitplexers.

I have a multiplexer ADG731 and want to connect it to my Teensy 4.0. I would like to use a EAGLE schematic first.

Where can i find specifications for the pins of my teensy? Are there any rules/advices i should follow when connecting a multiplexer and teensy?

Here is a picture of the schmatic in EAGLE but i have to clue which pins to connect.

Thank you in advance!

Where can i find specifications for the pins of my teensy?
A lot of information can be found at
Are there any rules/advices i should follow when connecting a multiplexer and teensy?
The ADG731 multiplexer information can be found here. It is controlled by SPI. More info on SPI and Teensy can be found here.
Here is a picture of the schmatic in EAGLE but i have to clue which pins to connect.
Teensy 4.0 Eagle library here.

You're welcome.
Feel free to share your schematic (preferably in PDF format) and code for review when you come to that point.
There is also a ready-to-go library for the ADG731: here.
