We are trying to chase down some noise on a pin photodiode detector we're using to measure IR fluorescence in plants. We recently made some hardware changes to the photodiode to dramatically reduce then noise entering into the system there, but now we've found that the remaining noise is coming from the Teensy ADC itself (we're running Teensy 3.0 right now).
The ADC noise level is about 40ish counts at 16 bits on Pin A11 (65536 counts total) or .07% on a single reading. I know that's pretty good in most applications, but the lower the better for us. We have what amounts to a sample and hold coming into the ADC, so we can take several (up to 20 or so) reads on the ADC and average them together so that helps. We also thought we could take 2 simultaneous reads using the Teensy 3.1, but I wasn't sure how to do that. Finally, we could get an external ADC but that would require more redesign.
So - any ideas on the cause of the noise, and suggestions for reducing it, and how does one access the 2nd ADC?
The ADC noise level is about 40ish counts at 16 bits on Pin A11 (65536 counts total) or .07% on a single reading. I know that's pretty good in most applications, but the lower the better for us. We have what amounts to a sample and hold coming into the ADC, so we can take several (up to 20 or so) reads on the ADC and average them together so that helps. We also thought we could take 2 simultaneous reads using the Teensy 3.1, but I wasn't sure how to do that. Finally, we could get an external ADC but that would require more redesign.
So - any ideas on the cause of the noise, and suggestions for reducing it, and how does one access the 2nd ADC?