Hi guys. Me and my GF are having loads of fun with our new Teensy 3.2 boards. Been wanting to use the Teensy 3 for years and now we have arrived.
I have a question regarding a project we are working on. We want to trigger spoken word audio samples. We have the brilliant audio board to work with but are stuck with a sensor proble.
We'd like to know if it is possible for an accelerometer to detect whether a lift is moving up or down because we want to trigger different sound samples according to whther the lift is moving up or down. Can we do this using just the accelerometer data? We have a couple of them. One is an MPU9150 9DOF and the other is an analogue accelerometer (MMA7361.)
Any help appreciated.
I have a question regarding a project we are working on. We want to trigger spoken word audio samples. We have the brilliant audio board to work with but are stuck with a sensor proble.
We'd like to know if it is possible for an accelerometer to detect whether a lift is moving up or down because we want to trigger different sound samples according to whther the lift is moving up or down. Can we do this using just the accelerometer data? We have a couple of them. One is an MPU9150 9DOF and the other is an analogue accelerometer (MMA7361.)
Any help appreciated.