DMXSerial2 on Teensy

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I'm about to start working out using DMXSerial2 on Teensy(s) for a generic, field configurable DMX fixture controller with RDM. I don't find much chatter about DMXSerial or DMXSerial2 on Teensy. I have Teensy2, Teensy++ & Teensy3.0 to play with. Anyone have experience with DMXSerial on Teensy? Other than configuring pin assignments, any issues I can expect? Can it (or something similar) be added as a library for Teensy?
Hi Paul. Thanks for the reply. I think Teensy is "elegant" and your help is much appreciated.

I'm looking to receive DMX and control a stand-alone collection of LEDs, switches, servos, etc as one "Fixture"...with RDM thrown into the mix. On forums, I see excellent solutions for DMX receivers, pixel controllers, servo controllers, etc...something like a robotic light (scanner, moving head) combines them all...and it seems like Teensy + DMXSerial2 + various libraries & interfaces all working together is a good path to DIY intelligent lighting.

I blocked out some time this month to FINALLY get moving on this. It seems like DMXSerial2 overcomes some serial transceiver issue in Arduino and creates the framework for RDM & mapping channels->functions->pins. I'm just wondering what issues might be anticipated with DMXSerial2, or something like it, on Teensy.
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I notice that you are working on an RDM responder (slave) project. We are too! We made some hardware (Arduino R3 Shield) which can act as RDM/DMX master or slave. Not sure if you need help on the hardware side of things, but you can easily hook this shield up to the Teensy2 or Teensy3 with a couple of wires. I am working on a tutorial for this now. Check out the shield and let me know if you would like to be one of the first Beta testers. Thanks and talk soon!

PS- According to the DMX spec, all receivers are supposed to be isolated. We allowed for Isolated assemblies (which cost a little more), or you can get a non-Isolated assembly (costs a little less) and just use an isolated DC power supply (which most are anyway).

Let me know if you have any questions. Thx!

Steve French

President, Volt Vision
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