Do pins care....?

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Let's say I'd like to mount a MK20 chip directly on a PCB and use one of its PWM outputs to stimulate a ADC OSC input to the tune of 12MHz. (the teensy can manage that just fine)

However, there is no PWM pin near the SPI bus where I'd like to go... however, I could route a signal from a PWM pin *via* another existing pin. That is, run the signal through an unused pin. Is this possible/legal, or will the 'via pin' cause some sort of interference no matter how it is set (i.e. as input, for example)?

Just wondering, it would make my life a lot easier if this 'via pin' could be set as high-Z...
This will probably work, since the digital-only pins default to electrically disabled. The analog capable pins default to their analog input function if they're ADC or comparator pins.

Of course, the standard caveat is nobody can absolutely guarantee things will work on your particular PCB layout. Probably "ought to work" based on the datasheet is all you can get. Like all product design, you'll have to test and verify after trying it.
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