I have just created a new class library for the Audio Library (a new audio object) as the pjrc web page describes it. I'm not sure which is the correct terminology. Anyway. I have a fully functional .cpp and .h file which follows the guidelines as described and works very well. I have been using it in the wild. That is as a vocal compressor whilst playing live music and it seems to work great.
It offers the following controls:
Attack rates 0.1 - 2000 mS
Release rates 0.1 - 2000mS
Ratio between 1 to 32767
Knee width between 0 to 40dB (soft to hard knee control)
Threshold between 0 to -40dB
Makeup Gain between 0 to 40dB
Multiple side chain inputs that can be selected at run time.
I wanted to share the code and make the object available to others. I would have created a branch on the github site, but it seems I can not contribute in this way.
Perhaps you can tell me how best to share the code.
I have just created a new class library for the Audio Library (a new audio object) as the pjrc web page describes it. I'm not sure which is the correct terminology. Anyway. I have a fully functional .cpp and .h file which follows the guidelines as described and works very well. I have been using it in the wild. That is as a vocal compressor whilst playing live music and it seems to work great.
It offers the following controls:
Attack rates 0.1 - 2000 mS
Release rates 0.1 - 2000mS
Ratio between 1 to 32767
Knee width between 0 to 40dB (soft to hard knee control)
Threshold between 0 to -40dB
Makeup Gain between 0 to 40dB
Multiple side chain inputs that can be selected at run time.
I wanted to share the code and make the object available to others. I would have created a branch on the github site, but it seems I can not contribute in this way.
Perhaps you can tell me how best to share the code.