I would like to use a Dynamixel servo, using their TTL serial protocol, with the Teensy4.1.
There are a number of posts covering similar topics from some time ago, but more recently the half duplex capability of the native UART was added to the Teensyduino library, and I don't see here or on GitHub any examples using this capability with the Dynamixel2 library
Using the half-duplex feature I ran a simple test (1st code block below) and can see bidirectional communication between serial2 and serial 3 by just attaching their TX lines to each other. This works fine at a baud of 1M, however i do see that a delay is needed between read and write which is longer than expected, not sure if this will cause any issue down the line.
So my question is, would talking to a Dynamixel be as simple as the code in the second code block below? Assume I will inserting a 3.3 <-> 5V bidirectional level shifter between them
Two-way on the Teensy
Proposed Dynamixel test stub
Related, thanks to @KurtE for his posts on this subject
There are a number of posts covering similar topics from some time ago, but more recently the half duplex capability of the native UART was added to the Teensyduino library, and I don't see here or on GitHub any examples using this capability with the Dynamixel2 library
Using the half-duplex feature I ran a simple test (1st code block below) and can see bidirectional communication between serial2 and serial 3 by just attaching their TX lines to each other. This works fine at a baud of 1M, however i do see that a delay is needed between read and write which is longer than expected, not sure if this will cause any issue down the line.
So my question is, would talking to a Dynamixel be as simple as the code in the second code block below? Assume I will inserting a 3.3 <-> 5V bidirectional level shifter between them
Two-way on the Teensy
#include <Arduino.h>
const uint32_t baud = 1000000;
#define SER1 Serial2 // pins 7 (RX), 8 (TX), but just uses 8 (TX)
#define SER2 Serial3 // pins 15 (RX), 14 (TX), but just uses 14 (TX)
void send_recieve(HardwareSerialIMXRT &sender, HardwareSerialIMXRT &rcvr);
void setup()
SER1.begin(baud, SERIAL_8N1_HALF_DUPLEX);
SER2.begin(baud, SERIAL_8N1_HALF_DUPLEX);
void loop()
send_recieve(SER1, SER2);
send_recieve(SER2, SER1);
void send_recieve(HardwareSerialIMXRT &sender, HardwareSerialIMXRT &rcvr)
static byte send = 0x40;
if( send>126) send= 41;
// without this delay the data is corrupted
// 1st term is my guess fo rminimum, but this fails without a big extra amount
delayMicroseconds((8+1)*1000000/baud + 100);
int got = rcvr.read();
if (got == -1 || got == 0)
Serial.println("No data");
Serial.print(&sender == &SER1 ? "SER1 -> SER2: " : "SER2 -> SER1: ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
Proposed Dynamixel test stub
#include <Dynamixel2Arduino.h>
#define DXL_SERIAL Serial2
#define DXL_DIR_PIN 6 // just a DUMMY for the dxl library constructor, not actually used?
const float DXL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2.0;
const uint8_t DXL_ID = 1; // id of the connected servo
Dynamixel2Arduino dxl(DXL_SERIAL, DXL_DIR_PIN);
void setup() {
// should be fine for XL330-M288-T
void loop() {
bool pinged = dxl.ping(DXL_ID);
Related, thanks to @KurtE for his posts on this subject
- https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?threads/dallas-one-wire-uart-conversion.71275/#post-314187
- https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?th...i-directional-communication.62905/post-251898
- https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?th...oopback-from-tx-teensy-3-2.71859/#post-318527
- https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/Dynamixel2Arduino/tree/master