I got a Myoware muscle sensor (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13723) a few months ago and was using it with an Arduino to read out the raw EMG waveforms from the sensor. I switched over to using a teensy b/c I could sample so much faster with more resolution using the ADC library and the optimized USB interface. That has all worked great I can sample much much more now with more bits of resolution.
What I am trying to figure out now has to do with the Myoware's raw output being such a tiny voltage. Originally I used 2 LMV358 breakout boards to amplify the signal to a point where I could see it (and indeed I could see it), usually one LMV358 was at the max and the other was barely on. This configuration is annoying I am constantly having to adjust the trim pots to not saturate and use most of the dynamic range.
What I am wondering is if I can use the differential read of the teensy ADC (I have a Teensy 3.2) and the PGA to amplify the small signal all on the Teensy? I have tried to read up on how to use the differential read using A10 and A11, but it is unclear to me (I program for a living, but electronics is only a hobby) how to set this up. The Myoware spits out voltages centered around Vs/2.0, is it simply a matter of pumping in the ground voltage of the Myoware, or the ground voltage of the Teensy to do the difference, or do I need to divide the voltages somehow to mimic the range output by the Myoware?
Anyway any advice or pointers would be super helpful.
What I am trying to figure out now has to do with the Myoware's raw output being such a tiny voltage. Originally I used 2 LMV358 breakout boards to amplify the signal to a point where I could see it (and indeed I could see it), usually one LMV358 was at the max and the other was barely on. This configuration is annoying I am constantly having to adjust the trim pots to not saturate and use most of the dynamic range.
What I am wondering is if I can use the differential read of the teensy ADC (I have a Teensy 3.2) and the PGA to amplify the small signal all on the Teensy? I have tried to read up on how to use the differential read using A10 and A11, but it is unclear to me (I program for a living, but electronics is only a hobby) how to set this up. The Myoware spits out voltages centered around Vs/2.0, is it simply a matter of pumping in the ground voltage of the Myoware, or the ground voltage of the Teensy to do the difference, or do I need to divide the voltages somehow to mimic the range output by the Myoware?
Anyway any advice or pointers would be super helpful.