* (c) DD4WH 15/05/2020
* thanks a lot to Brian Millier and Warren Pratt for your help!
* using a guitar cabinet impulse response with up to about 20000 coefficients per channel
* uses Teensy 4.1 and Teensy audio shield rev D, uses PSRAM chip(s) soldered to underside of T4.1
* inspired by and uses code from wdsp library by Warren Pratt
* https://github.com/g0orx/wdsp/blob/master/firmin.c
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <arm_math.h>
#include <arm_const_structs.h> // in the Teensy 4.0 audio library, the ARM CMSIS DSP lib is already a newer version
#include <utility/imxrt_hw.h> // necessary for setting the sample rate, thanks FrankB !
//#include <T4_PowerButton.h> // for flexRamInfo
// Choose only one of these impulse responses !
//#define IR1 // 512 taps // MG impulse response from bmillier github @44.1ksps
//#define IR2 // 4096 taps // impulse response @44.1ksps
//#define IR3 // 7552 taps // impulse response @44.1ksps
//#define IR4 // 17920 taps // impulse response 400ms @44.1ksps
//#define IR5 // 21632 taps // impulse response 490ms @44.1ksps
//#define IR6 // 5760 taps, 18.72% load vs. 15.00%
//#define IR7 // 22016 taps, 50.62% load, 93.48% RAM1, 32064 bytes free
//#define IR8 // 25552 taps, too much !
// about 25000 taps is MAXIMUM --> about 0.5 seconds
//#define LPMINPHASE512 // 512 taps minimum phase 2.7kHz lowpass filter
//#define LPMINPHASE1024 // 1024 taps minimum phase 2.7kHz lowpass filter
#define LPMINPHASE2048PASSTHRU // 2048 taps minimum phase 19.0kHz lowpass filter
//#define LPMINPHASE4096 // 4096 taps minimum phase 2.7kHz lowpass filter
const float32_t PROGMEM audio_gain = 2.5; // has to be adjusted from 1.0 to 10.0 depending on the filter gain / impulse resonse gain
#if defined(IR1)
#include "impulse_response_1.h"
const int nc = 512; // number of taps for the FIR filter
#elif defined(IR2)
#include "impulse_response_2.h"
const int nc = 4096; // number of taps for the FIR filter
#elif defined(IR3)
#include "impulse_response_3.h"
const int nc = 7552; // number of taps for the FIR filter
#elif defined(IR5)
#include "impulse_response_5.h"
const int nc = 21632; // number of taps for the FIR filter
#elif defined(IR6)
#include "impulse_response_6.h"
const int nc = 5760; // number of taps for the FIR filter,
#elif defined(IR7)
#include "impulse_response_7.h"
const int nc = 22016; // number of taps for the FIR filter,
#elif defined(IR8)
#include "impulse_response_8.h"
const int nc = 25552; // number of taps for the FIR filter,
#elif defined(LPMINPHASE512)
#include "lp_minphase_512.h"
const int nc = 512;
#elif defined(LPMINPHASE1024)
#include "lp_minphase_1024.h"
const int nc = 1024;
#elif defined(LPMINPHASE2048PASSTHRU)
#include "lp_minphase_2048passthru.h"
const int nc = 2048;
#elif defined(LPMINPHASE4096)
#include "lp_minphase_4096.h"
const int nc = 4096;
#include "impulse_response_4.h"
const int nc = 17920; // number of taps for the FIR filter
extern "C" uint32_t set_arm_clock(uint32_t frequency);
//#define LATENCY_TEST
const double PROGMEM FHiCut = 2500.0;
const double PROGMEM FLoCut = -FHiCut;
// define your sample rate
const double PROGMEM SAMPLE_RATE = 44100;
// the latency of the filter is meant to be the same regardless of the number of taps for the filter
// partition size of 128 translates to a latency of 128/sample rate, ie. to 2.9msec with 44.1ksps
// latency can even be reduced by setting partitionsize to 64
// however, this only works, if you set AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES to 64 in AudioStream.h
const int PROGMEM partitionsize = 128;
//#define DEBUG
#define FOURPI (2.0 * TWO_PI)
#define SIXPI (3.0 * TWO_PI)
#define BUFFER_SIZE partitionsize
int32_t sum;
int idx_t = 0;
int16_t *sp_L;
int16_t *sp_R;
uint8_t PROGMEM FIR_filter_window = 1;
const uint32_t PROGMEM FFT_L = 2 * partitionsize;
float32_t mean = 1;
uint8_t first_block = 1;
const uint32_t PROGMEM FFT_length = FFT_L;
const int PROGMEM nfor = nc / partitionsize; // number of partition blocks --> nfor = nc / partitionsize
//float DMAMEM cplxcoeffs[nc * 2]; // this holds the initial complex coefficients for the filter BEFORE partitioning
float32_t DMAMEM maskgen[FFT_L * 2];
//float32_t DMAMEM fmask[nfor][FFT_L * 2]; //
float32_t fmask[nfor][FFT_L * 2]; //
float32_t DMAMEM fftin[FFT_L * 2];
float32_t accum[FFT_L * 2];
float fftout[nfor][FFT_L * 2]; //
int buffidx = 0;
int k = 0;
//int idxmask = nfor - 1;
uint32_t all_samples_counter = 0;
uint8_t no_more_latency_test = 0;
const uint32_t N_B = FFT_L / 2 / BUFFER_SIZE;
uint32_t N_BLOCKS = N_B;
float32_t DMAMEM float_buffer_L [BUFFER_SIZE * N_B];
float32_t DMAMEM float_buffer_R [BUFFER_SIZE * N_B];
float32_t DMAMEM last_sample_buffer_L [BUFFER_SIZE * N_B];
float32_t DMAMEM last_sample_buffer_R [BUFFER_SIZE * N_B];
// complex FFT with the new library CMSIS V4.5
const static arm_cfft_instance_f32 *S;
// complex iFFT with the new library CMSIS V4.5
const static arm_cfft_instance_f32 *iS;
// FFT instance for direct calculation of the filter mask
// from the impulse response of the FIR - the coefficients
const static arm_cfft_instance_f32 *maskS;
// this audio comes from the codec by I2S
//AudioInputI2S i2s_in;
AudioRecordQueue Q_in_L;
AudioRecordQueue Q_in_R;
AudioMixer4 mixleft;
AudioMixer4 mixright;
AudioPlayQueue Q_out_L;
AudioPlayQueue Q_out_R;
//AudioOutputI2S i2s_out;
AudioOutputSPDIF3 spdif3; //xy=502,202
AudioInputUSB usb1; //xy=143,207
AudioConnection patchCord1(usb1, 0, Q_in_L, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord2(usb1, 1, Q_in_R, 0);
// convolution here
AudioConnection patchCord3(Q_out_L, 0, mixleft, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord4(Q_out_R, 0, mixright, 0);
AudioConnection patchCord9(mixleft, 0, spdif3, 1);
AudioConnection patchCord10(mixright, 0, spdif3, 0);
void setup() {
// Enable the audio shield, select input, and enable output
//codec.adcHighPassFilterDisable(); //
Audio Setup
mixleft.gain(0, 1.0);
mixright.gain(0, 1.0);
properly initialise variables in DMAMEM
for(unsigned jj = 0; jj < nfor; jj++)
for(unsigned ii = 0; ii < FFT_L * 2; ii++)
fftout[jj][ii] = 0.1;
fmask[jj][ii] = 0.0;
/* for (unsigned i = 0; i < FFT_length * 2; i++)
cplxcoeffs[i] = 0.0;
init complex FFTs
switch (FFT_length)
case 128:
S = &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len128;
iS = &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len128;
maskS = &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len128;
case 256:
S = &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len256;
iS = &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len256;
maskS = &arm_cfft_sR_f32_len256;
Calculate the FFT of the FIR filter coefficients once to produce the FIR filter mask
Serial.print("AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES: "); Serial.println(AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES);
begin to queue the audio from the audio library
elapsedMillis msec = 0;
void loop() {
elapsedMicros usec = 0;
// are there at least N_BLOCKS buffers in each channel available ?
if (Q_in_L.available() > N_BLOCKS + 0 && Q_in_R.available() > N_BLOCKS + 0)
// get audio samples from the audio buffers and convert them to float
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N_BLOCKS; i++)
sp_L = Q_in_L.readBuffer();
sp_R = Q_in_R.readBuffer();
// convert to float one buffer_size
// float_buffer samples are now standardized from > -1.0 to < 1.0
arm_q15_to_float (sp_L, &float_buffer_L[BUFFER_SIZE * i], BUFFER_SIZE); // convert int_buffer to float 32bit
arm_q15_to_float (sp_R, &float_buffer_R[BUFFER_SIZE * i], BUFFER_SIZE); // convert int_buffer to float 32bit
Digital convolution
// basis for this was Lyons, R. (2011): Understanding Digital Processing.
// "Fast FIR Filtering using the FFT", pages 688 - 694
// numbers for the steps taken from that source
// Method used here: overlap-and-save
// ONLY FOR the VERY FIRST FFT: fill first samples with zeros
if (first_block) // fill real & imaginaries with zeros for the first BLOCKSIZE samples
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize * 4; i++)
fftin[i] = 0.0;
first_block = 0;
{ // HERE IT STARTS for all other instances
// fill FFT_buffer with last events audio samples
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize; i++)
fftin[i * 2] = last_sample_buffer_L[i]; // real
fftin[i * 2 + 1] = last_sample_buffer_R[i]; // imaginary
// copy recent samples to last_sample_buffer for next time!
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize; i++)
last_sample_buffer_L [i] = float_buffer_L[i];
last_sample_buffer_R [i] = float_buffer_R[i];
// now fill recent audio samples into FFT_buffer (left channel: re, right channel: im)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize; i++)
fftin[FFT_length + i * 2] = float_buffer_L[i]; // real
fftin[FFT_length + i * 2 + 1] = float_buffer_R[i]; // imaginary
#if defined(LATENCY_TEST)
if(msec > 2000 && !no_more_latency_test)
// latency test
fftin[42] = 10.0; fftin[44] = -10.0;
fftin[43] = 10.0; fftin[45] = -10.0;
no_more_latency_test = 1;
if(no_more_latency_test == 1) all_samples_counter += partitionsize;
Complex Forward FFT
// calculation is performed in-place the FFT_buffer [re, im, re, im, re, im . . .]
arm_cfft_f32(S, fftin, 0, 1);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize * 4; i++)
fftout[buffidx][i] = fftin[i];
Complex multiplication with filter mask (precalculated coefficients subjected to an FFT)
this is taken from wdsp library by Warren Pratt firmin.c
k = buffidx;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize * 4; i++)
accum[i] = 0.0;
for(unsigned j = 0; j < nfor; j++)
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2 * partitionsize; i= i + 4 )
// doing 8 of these complex multiplies inside one loop saves a HUGE LOT of processor cycles
accum[2 * i + 0] += fftout[k][2 * i + 0] * fmask[j][2 * i + 0] -
fftout[k][2 * i + 1] * fmask[j][2 * i + 1];
accum[2 * i + 1] += fftout[k][2 * i + 0] * fmask[j][2 * i + 1] +
fftout[k][2 * i + 1] * fmask[j][2 * i + 0];
accum[2 * i + 2] += fftout[k][2 * i + 2] * fmask[j][2 * i + 2] -
fftout[k][2 * i + 3] * fmask[j][2 * i + 3];
accum[2 * i + 3] += fftout[k][2 * i + 2] * fmask[j][2 * i + 3] +
fftout[k][2 * i + 3] * fmask[j][2 * i + 2];
accum[2 * i + 4] += fftout[k][2 * i + 4] * fmask[j][2 * i + 4] -
fftout[k][2 * i + 5] * fmask[j][2 * i + 5];
accum[2 * i + 5] += fftout[k][2 * i + 4] * fmask[j][2 * i + 5] +
fftout[k][2 * i + 5] * fmask[j][2 * i + 4];
accum[2 * i + 6] += fftout[k][2 * i + 6] * fmask[j][2 * i + 6] -
fftout[k][2 * i + 7] * fmask[j][2 * i + 7];
accum[2 * i + 7] += fftout[k][2 * i + 6] * fmask[j][2 * i + 7] +
fftout[k][2 * i + 7] * fmask[j][2 * i + 6];
k = k - 1;
if(k < 0)
k = nfor - 1;
} // end nfor loop
buffidx = buffidx + 1;
if(buffidx >= nfor)
buffidx = 0;
Complex inverse FFT
arm_cfft_f32(iS, accum, 1, 1);
Overlap and save algorithm, which simply means yóu take only half of the buffer
and discard the other half (which contains unusable time-aliased audio).
Whether you take the left or the right part is determined by the position
of the zero-padding in the filter-mask-buffer before doing the FFT of the
impulse response coefficients
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize; i++)
//float_buffer_L[i] = accum[partitionsize * 2 + i * 2 + 0];
//float_buffer_R[i] = accum[partitionsize * 2 + i * 2 + 1];
float_buffer_L[i] = accum[i * 2 + 0] * audio_gain;
float_buffer_R[i] = accum[i * 2 + 1] * audio_gain;
Serial print the first output samples in order to check for latency
#if defined(LATENCY_TEST)
if(no_more_latency_test == 1)
no_more_latency_test = 2;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize; i++)
if(accum[i * 2 + 0] * audio_gain > 0.1 || accum[i * 2 + 0] * audio_gain < -0.1)
Serial.print(i + all_samples_counter - 21); Serial.print(" left: "); Serial.println(accum[i * 2 + 0]);
Serial.print(i + all_samples_counter - 21); Serial.print(" right: "); Serial.println(accum[i * 2 + 1]);
CONVERT TO INTEGER AND PLAY AUDIO - Push audio into I2S audio chain
for (int i = 0; i < N_BLOCKS; i++)
sp_L = Q_out_L.getBuffer();
sp_R = Q_out_R.getBuffer();
arm_float_to_q15 (&float_buffer_L[BUFFER_SIZE * i], sp_L, BUFFER_SIZE);
arm_float_to_q15 (&float_buffer_R[BUFFER_SIZE * i], sp_R, BUFFER_SIZE);
Q_out_L.playBuffer(); // play it !
Q_out_R.playBuffer(); // play it !
#ifdef DEBUG
sum = sum + usec;
if (idx_t > 400) {
mean = sum / idx_t;
if (mean / 29.00 / N_BLOCKS * SAMPLE_RATE / AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_EXACT < 100.0)
Serial.print("processor load: ");
Serial.print (mean / 29.00 / N_BLOCKS * SAMPLE_RATE / AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_EXACT);
Serial.print (mean);
Serial.print (" microsec for ");
Serial.print (N_BLOCKS);
Serial.print (" stereo blocks ");
Serial.print("FFT-length = "); Serial.print(FFT_length);
Serial.print("; FIR filter length = "); Serial.println(nc);
Serial.print("k = "); Serial.println(k);
Serial.print("buffidx = "); Serial.println(buffidx);
idx_t = 0;
sum = 0;
} // end of audio process loop
Add button check etc. here
void init_partitioned_filter_masks()
for(unsigned j = 0; j < nfor;j++)
// fill with zeroes
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize * 4; i++)
maskgen[i] = 0.0;
// take part of impulse response and fill into maskgen
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize; i++)
// the position of the impulse response coeffs (right or left aligned)
// determines the useable part of the audio in the overlap-and-save (left or right part of the iFFT buffer)
maskgen[i * 2 + partitionsize * 2] = guitar_cabinet_impulse[i + j * partitionsize];
* // take part of impulse response and fill into maskgen
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize * 2; i++)
// the position of the impulse response coeffs (right or left aligned)
// determines the useable part of the audio in the overlap-and-save (left or right part of the iFFT buffer)
maskgen[i + partitionsize * 2] = guitar_cabinet_impulse[i + j * partitionsize * 2];
// perform complex FFT on maskgen
arm_cfft_f32(maskS, maskgen, 0, 1);
// fill into fmask array
for (unsigned i = 0; i < partitionsize * 4; i++)
fmask[j][i] = maskgen[i];
void setI2SFreq(int freq) {
// thanks FrankB !
// PLL between 27*24 = 648MHz und 54*24=1296MHz
int n1 = 4; //SAI prescaler 4 => (n1*n2) = multiple of 4
int n2 = 1 + (24000000 * 27) / (freq * 256 * n1);
double C = ((double)freq * 256 * n1 * n2) / 24000000;
int c0 = C;
int c2 = 10000;
int c1 = C * c2 - (c0 * c2);
set_audioClock(c0, c1, c2, true);
| CCM_CS1CDR_SAI1_CLK_PRED(n1-1) // &0x07
| CCM_CS1CDR_SAI1_CLK_PODF(n2-1); // &0x3f