Feature Suggestion: PCApp to display the Serial Monitor output without Teensyduino.


Active member
I am sending USB RawHID from a T4.1. Works very nicely, but it would be useful to have a standalone utility app running on a PC ( e.g. Windows) that receives and displays the Serial Monitor data without the Teensyduino installed and running. If all a user of a project needs to see is serial monitor output , they shouldn't have to install Teensyduino.
Thank you Michael! Very much appreciated! Will try it tonight with my T4.1. Will save me a lot of time. Also will help me learn how much effort it takes to write an app like this. Obviously not easy for a novice such as myself.
Hi KurtE. Thanks for the TyCommander suggestion and link. I knew people were using it but I never checked it out myself. Will take a look.
thebigg :Have tried that but to no avail. cmd prompt doesnt recognize teensy_serialmon .

I was curious and found this (Windows 10):
Open Powershell (or standard command line) in the according folder or go there (something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools)
Copy the adress part for the usblocation (e.g. usb:90000/0/0/1/1/4/1/4) and use it as parameter to run
Stop it with CRTL-C
.\teensy_serialmon.exe usb:90000/0/0/1/1/4/1/4

And there is your serial monitor on the command line.

I assume that you could copy just these two exe files.
HI Crazy, I wrote an app exactly like this here, source included.

I downloaded the executable file for x64 and the dll. Windows 10 will not let me install the dll even with administrator permission. When I try to register the dll using regsvr32 the error message says dll loaded but cant find entry point for DllRegisterServer. Also some compatibilty issue with the executable. It thinks it is incompatible with Windows 10. I'm stumped. Any suggestions about what is going on here?
HI Tom Chiron. I'm obviously having trouble with Windows 10 and Power Shell or command line. I was able to run the teensy_ports.exe and get the usb address but Windows will not let me run teensy_serialmon.exe even with full admin rights. Asks me if I will allow the program to run but it wont. Dont have a clue as to why. Any ideas would help.
I downloaded the executable file for x64 and the dll. Windows 10 will not let me install the dll even with administrator permission. When I try to register the dll using regsvr32 the error message says dll loaded but cant find entry point for DllRegisterServer. Also some compatibilty issue with the executable. It thinks it is incompatible with Windows 10. I'm stumped. Any suggestions about what is going on here?

The Dll, HidAPi.dll, is compatible with all versions of Windows from Vista to Win11, and is also available from the authors site here. It does not require registering.
There is no OS limitation with the executable. It's possible your AntiVirus (Win Defender?) is blocking the files.
Here are both the files in a single .zip. Unpack both to the same folder then run hidserial64.exe as Administrator.

Edit: I've just confirmed this (HidSerial) to be working, as expected, on Windows11. Not sure what else the issue could be on your machine.
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Great if the p#2 makes a usable alternative.

Though been using TyCommander for years and it has a great feature set - fast performance (not perhaps as good as the latest PJRC SerMon, but close enough when not full speed SPEW) - and easily handles multiple Teensy connections in one or multiple windows. Can perform uploads and integrate to IDE 1.8, but not to 'locked' T_4.'s - in that case it has a "--delegate" option that can be used where it drops the Serial connect and triggers upload by Teensy.exe loader.

IDE 2.0 can do that with : platform.local.txt having path to installed tycommander.exe
tools.teensyloader.cmd.path=[U]{your path}[/U]\TyComm\TyCommanderC.exe
tools.teensyloader.upload.pattern="{cmd.path}" upload --autostart --wait --delegate "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.hex"

Just confirmed it works like a charm on Windows 10 with an T4 and a T4.1. I think there was an issue with Windows accepting my administrator run status. I had to go to the Properties display for the .exe file and in the Compatibility tab check a little box that said "Run this program as administrator". That worked. Thanks very much for all your help on this.