first small scale test of our 160x80 [Video] wall

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Here is some video of our first test:
Here is only 1/10 of it's total size, but by completing this step, we proved that our overall system design worked!

Second test:
Here is 1/5th (32x80) of the wall using 2 teensys. At this point we have two teensys working together.

Thrid test:
1/2 of the wall, 5 teensys working together... this where things are starting to get hard. (see posts below)

Forth test:
Full wall but with a few issues

Fifth test:
Everything working!

More photos can be found HERE
Messy code can be found HERE
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It is very bright Wozzy! But I just added some gamma correction which helped even things out a bit.

Here is another video of 1/5th (32x80) of the wall using 2 teensys:

Next step is 80X80 (or 1/2 of the wall) using 5 teensys :)
At that point, you'll probably be very close to the maximum power a standard USA 120 volt AC socket can provide! Well, if you turn on all the LEDs fully white....

Yeah I'm a bit worried about that, but I'm hoping the brightness slider will keep the power usage down.
It makes me remember the spots I was seeing in front of my eyes while Paul was testing his LED display recently. On the uhhhh... bright side, it should be pretty darn visible during the day time.

Awesome man, I love it. Nice work on the audio-responsive code. Works tons better than my attempts.

The good news is. We got half the wall working!!!!! Check it out:

Now for the not so good news that you may or may not find helpful...

It's taken me between 28 to 30 millis to send the data to 5 teensys. I got around that by threading the serial sends, but that created it's own issues. If I tried sending more than 3 datasets at the same time it overloaded the USB bus. The threading also created sync issues between the teensys. I got around that by removing the sync altogether. Still have a lot to figure out here, but it looks extremely good without the sync, as long as I keep the frame rate up. Oh, and don't even try to make things work without multi-TT hub. Here is a link to the one I'm using:

Finally... I'm running 180 LEDs per pin, so I may be pushing things a bit.

Hope this helps :)
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Still have a few issues to work out, but we got the full wall working today!!

[video=]Video Here[/video]
Hey hunter this looks really great!!
can you explain a bit more on how u did and what you used for it (Software&Hardware) ?
The Wall of Light (revB) PCB component list...

@Hunter, many thanks for sharing this wonderful and challenging LED project.
I ordered a couple of your PCB prints from OSH Park and they arrived looking beautiful. I was wondering if you have a list of components that goes in it? Perhaps a PDF or anywhere on the net?

I can almost tell from the PCB prints but as I'm new to Teensy and LEDs as well don't want to make a mistake with these nice boards. Appreciate it!

Hey hunter this looks really great!!
can you explain a bit more on how u did and what you used for it (Software&Hardware) ?

  1. WS2811 led strips (@ 60 LEDs per meter) setup in a 180x60 matrix
  2. 10 Teensy 3.0's connected to a Intel i5-4670K PC with passive CPU cooling (playa dust destroys fans)
  3. NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 (also passively cooled)
  4. ASUS Z87-K motherboard that has 10 USB2 connections (so I didn't need a hub which slowed things down a bit)
  5. Kinect, Rode VideoMic Pro VMP Shotgun Microphone, and a AT&T Laptop Dock for Motorola ATRIX 4G as a small monitor and keyboard for the PC
  6. No 74HCT245 buffer chips (which works but could cause major issues with the tennsy 3.0)

  1. Teensyduino
  2. OctoWS2811 library
  3. Processing 2
  4. Windows 8 (for some reason everything worked better under windows, who would have thunk it)

You can find the code here:
And a bunch of videos here:

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THX man
Do you control the leds via the PC online with procession?
how do you send the data to the teensys, is it like DMX?
Hello Mr. Hunter.
I'm from Brazil and I'm trying to build LED Displays using LED Strips for used to show ads, videos, pictures, to used virtual facades and virtual showcases, and I found Teensy with a good solution but I don't started my project because I not received my teensy boards yet.
So before I receive them I'm looking for materials, tutotials, how to use them and I found your project and that's great.
I found in your project an board to connect the teensy to easily connect teensy board. Where can I to buy that board. What's the model of that board?
Thank you for your attention.
Hey Hunter,

It seems I am running into a number of the same issues that you did. I am running a 120x64 display with 8 teensys and I am running into issues sending data out consistently at a decent frame rate, 30fps. I am running basically the original VideoDisplay code that was included with the Octows2811 code, only instead of one video it loads up a queue and plays the queue in a loop. Ran fine at 30fps with 4 teensys, not so much with 8. If I run at 30fps often one of the teensys doesn't see the sync signal and it misses multiple frames. I can bump it down to 24fps and it works fine, but I still have issues with the videos losing sync with the audio. I think that is an issue with processing? Not sure.

I have downloaded your code and have started to parse through it. Could you point me to a few of the basic steps you started with to get rid of these problems? I saw that you basically just commented out the frame sync signal for the video display. You then stated that you set everything up to run the serial lines to the teensys in parallel, where would I look for that? That may be enough to fix my problems. I'm not looking for quite as fancy a set up as you, just something functional.

Your Wall of Light is awesome!! I see you powered it using 10x 350watt 5v power supplies. These are 110v input.

So how did you feed the power supply? I'm guessing you either had a generator or an inverter.

I'm working on a mobile application for the burning man this year and would like to go from 12v to 5v & if possible skip the 110v.
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