FreeRTOS on Teensy (GCC, Linux)

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Here are some files that can be unpacked into FreeRTOS-7.3.0 and compiled to work on Teensy3. There are two sample programs: blinky and uart. Blinky does what you'd expect, but in a preemptive multitasking framework. Uart blinks and talks at 115200/8/N/1 on UART0.

Hope you enjoy it!

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Here's stuff to drop into FreeRTOS that implements an interrupt-driven serial console, and you can add commands easily (right now, it knows "dump [addr [len]]").

Happy New Year!


    177.4 KB · Views: 325
Thanks for the port, I'm trying to start out with it, but I don't have the Kinetis folder that the makefile references. I'm also not sure where you got it from, is there an SDK of some sort I need to download from freescale to get the various definitions?
A google search brought me to Freescale's web site, and found MK20DX128VLH5 in the K20_50 family, but I too came up blank on any sort of SDK to make spacewrench's makefile happy.
I used the FeeRTOS port done by a forum member here... FreeRTOS + Teensy3 libraries.
I didn't have to use Freescale's mess with their SDKs or tower products - for which the CPU in the T3 doesn't have any samples anyway.
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