freeverbs noisy 'tails' on Teensy 4.1 with TEENSY4_AUDIO board electronics


Active member
The freeverbs module output seems to have quantization noise in it.
The left channel seems worse than the right channel.

I've made a small sketch (attached) to show the problem I'm having (diagram below).
The sketch plays a short sine wave note at 440 waits a few seconds and repeats.
Every other time the freeverbs output is selected and the other times the sine wave is directly output.
This way I can tell that the audio output is working fine since there is no quantization noise during the sine-wave-only time.

I wonder if there is something I can do to mitigate this.
I noticed a comment in effect_freeverb.cpp
// TODO: scale numerical range depending on roomsize & damping
Perhaps this is a clue?
I'm using Teensyduino 1.60 Beta #1.



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