My current project needs two RGB LEDs as indicators. I'm using Adafruit Pirhana common-anode LEDs driven by PWM.
I'm using at 146.48kHz to get 10 bit analogWrite resolution. I notice on a scope that the PWM duty cycles varies between 0.67% and 99.82% at this frequency. Is the only way to get the full 0% to 100% to test for the desired duty cycle and use pinMode to set the smallest and largest values?
if( PWM == 0){ digitalWriteFast( PIN , LOW ); }
Here is a test sketch:

Diffused 'Piranha' Super-flux RGB (tri-color) LED (10 pack)
Dffused 5mm tri-color LEDs with separate red, green and blue LED chips inside! Ultra bright indicator or illuminator, and fun to color-swirl. 90 degree viewing angle. You can plug these into ...

I'm using at 146.48kHz to get 10 bit analogWrite resolution. I notice on a scope that the PWM duty cycles varies between 0.67% and 99.82% at this frequency. Is the only way to get the full 0% to 100% to test for the desired duty cycle and use pinMode to set the smallest and largest values?
if( PWM == 0){ digitalWriteFast( PIN , LOW ); }
Here is a test sketch:
// Control Adafruit Pirhana common-anode RGB LED
// Teensy 4.0
// 270R resistors to pins 14, 15, 16
// 10k pot between GND and 3V3, wiper to A9
// common anode to 3V3
// red is a bit dim, green is too bright.
// with 0 to 255 range, leds are never fully off
// setting to 10 bit PWM resolution helps this
int redPin = 16;
int greenPin = 15;
int bluePin = 14;
int Intensity = 0;
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pins as an outputs
// see
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
analogWriteFrequency(redPin, 146484.38);
analogWriteFrequency(greenPin, 146484.38);
analogWriteFrequency(bluePin, 146484.38);
void loop()
// read the pot position, 0 to 1023
Intensity = analogRead(A9);
// set all 3 pins to the desired intensity
// 0 is full on, 1024 is fully off
analogWrite(redPin, 1023 - Intensity);
analogWrite(greenPin, 1023 - Intensity);
analogWrite(bluePin, 1023 - Intensity);
// remain at this color, but not for very long