Most non-essential things are were shut down this week here in Portland, Oregon, USA. All public schools were ordered closed. Gatherings more than 250 people are temporarily banned. Robin and I have been staying in and trying to do the social distance thing as much as possible, but we hear most restaurant and venues around town are pretty much empty or closed.
PJRC currently has a pretty substantial amount of inventory, but as fully built by untested & not-yet-packaged boards. We had people out sick last week, so we're a little behind. Robin & I spent most of Sunday testing and packaging Teensy 3.2s (that's why I did not yet get to the RawHID issue) which will go on Monday to restock a couple distributors. Worst case, assuming the carriers continue to come pick up packages, we should be able to keep the supply of Teensy boards going. Whether we get much of anything else done will depend on whether the workers we have the test and package the boards are healthy and able to come in to work. Our employees have normal paid time off, and last week we added 40 extra hours of paid time off to their accounts and communicated that we believe taking time off when sick and staying healthy is more important that products. So we may be slow, but the good news is we saw this coming a couple months ago when it swept through China and we stocked up, in hopes of being able to keep Teensy continuously in stock.