Getting horizontal stripes. Unable to updatescreen after initiation of SSD130t6 display; the buffer doesnot get loaded inside the RAM memory of displa


New member
i am using a new launched microcontroller called PT32(not pic) it is similar to stm32.
using github repository as reference and i am just printing triangle and random 6 dots on the display

int main(void)
/*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured,
this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup
file (startup_pt32f0xx.s) before to branch to application main.
To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to
system_pt32f0xx.c file

I2C_SSD1306_Init(); //set gpio pins


ssd1306_DrawPixel(50, 5, Black);
ssd1306_DrawPixel(50, 15, Black);
ssd1306_DrawPixel(50, 25, Black);
ssd1306_DrawPixel(50, 35, Black);
ssd1306_DrawPixel(50, 45, Black);
ssd1306_DrawPixel(50, 55, Black);
ssd1306_DrawPixel(50, 65, Black);


void ssd1306_Fill(SSD1306_COLOR color)
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(SSD1306_Buffer); i++)
SSD1306_Buffer = (color == Black) ? 0x00 : 0xFF;
void ssd1306_UpdateScreen()
int i;
for ( i = 0; i <= 1023; i++)


uint8_t ssd1306_WriteData(uint8_t buffer, uint8_t buff_size){
I2C_EE_PageWrite(0x40, 0x78,2 ); //Important to recognize byte as data
I2C_EE_PageWrite(buffer, 0x78, buff_size );
return 1;

void ssd1306_Init()
// Wait for the screen to boot
// vDelay(100);
int status = 0;
// Init LCD
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xAE); // Display off
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x20); // Set Memory Addressing Mode
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x10); // 00,Horizontal Addressing Mode;01,Vertical Addressing Mode;10,Page Addressing Mode (RESET);11,Invalid
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xB0); // Set Page Start Address for Page Addressing Mode,0-7
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xC8); // Set COM Output Scan Direction
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x00); // Set low column address
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x10); // Set high column address
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x40); // Set start line address
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x81); // set contrast control register
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xFF);
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xA1); // Set segment re-map 0 to 127
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand( 0xA6); // Set normal display
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xA8); // Set multiplex ratio(1 to 64)
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(SSD1306_HEIGHT - 1);
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xA4); // 0xa4,Output follows RAM content;0xa5,Output ignores RAM content
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xD3); // Set display offset
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x00); // No offset
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xD5); // Set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xF0); // Set divide ratio
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xD9); // Set pre-charge period
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x22);
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xDA); // Set com pins hardware configuration
// status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(SSD1306_COM_LR_REMAP << 5 | SSD1306_COM_ALTERNATIVE_PIN_CONFIG << 4 | 0x02);
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x12);
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xDB); // Set vcomh
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x20); // 0x20,0.77xVcc
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x8D); // Set DC-DC enable
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0x14); //
status += ssd1306_WriteCommand(0xAF); // Turn on SSD1306 panel
if (status != 0) {
return 1;
SSD1306.CurrentX = 0;
SSD1306.CurrentY = 0;
SSD1306.Initialized = 0;
return 0;


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If you want forum members to help you, you do need to post your complete code, including which SSD1306 library you used.
Also mention which Teensy, which version Arduino IDE, which exact display, etc.

If you want forum members to help you, you do need to post your complete code, including which SSD1306 library you used.
Also mention which Teensy, which version Arduino IDE, which exact display, etc.

i am using gcc to make binary file and then upload it to MCU.