Getting Teensy 4.1 working with TFT_eSPI library and ST7789 display


I have the display working with STM32 Wroom using TFT_eSPI library but don't know the steps to get Teensy working with it. I have Teensy wired to the display based on the wiring shown on the Teensy pjrc page.

It's a 320 x 240 display.
Never tried using the TFT_eSPI library on the Teensy. Primarily use the ST7735_t3 library that is packaged with Teensyduino. It supports both the ST7735 and ST7789 modules.

A cursory look at the TFT_eSPI library suggests that you might be able to modify the Setup203_ST7789.h or Setup24_ST7789 file in User_Setups directory of the library with the appropriate pin numbers you are using and your display. Or of course the one you are currently using with your setup. You may also have to modify TFT_eSPI.h etc.

Probably would stick with using the ST77735 library that is packaged with Teensyduino

You probably should check this issue out:
Never tried using the TFT_eSPI library on the Teensy. Primarily use the ST7735_t3 library that is packaged with Teensyduino. It supports both the ST7735 and ST7789 modules.

A cursory look at the TFT_eSPI library suggests that you might be able to modify the Setup203_ST7789.h or Setup24_ST7789 file in User_Setups directory of the library with the appropriate pin numbers you are using and your display. Or of course the one you are currently using with your setup. You may also have to modify TFT_eSPI.h etc.

Probably would stick with using the ST77735 library that is packaged with Teensyduino

You probably should check this issue out:

Thank you! What attracted me to the eSPI library is the sprites feature. I haven't checked to see if any other libraries feature that.