Guide for SparkFun Thing Plus integration?


New member
Hi all,

I am trying to integrate XBee radios into my Teensy 4.1 project. Specifically, I am trying to transmit mono audio between two Teensy devices, which integrate with headphones, microphones, and an intercom system.

Everywhere I look, standard XBee integration modules have been deprecated and/or no longer available.

The SparkFun Thing Plus XBee board seems to be the main option available on the market. Is there a guide on integrating a Thing Plus board with a Teensy 4.1?

It depends. Does the XBee board have its own micro processor on it, or are you supposed to mount the XBee on a board that uses the thing plus mounting. If it is the later, I believe the Sparkfun Thing Plus boards use the same pinout as the Adafruit Feather system. Adafruit sells a Teensy 3.2 to feather adapter:
If you had the Teensy 4.0, it is easier to use the adapter, since the Teensy 3.2 and 4.0 are similar size. With the Teensy 4.1, you likely need to mount the Teensy higher because the 4.1 board is bigger (and the mount for the li-on battery is behind where the Teensy is mounted), or mount the Teensy underneath the adapter.

Several years ago, I wrote up a guide about Teensys and feathers, and I included some thoughts about the Teensy 4.0 and 4.1 and I put the guide on the unofficial wiki that somebody else created: